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ChinaVine Presents at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Professors John Fenn (left) and Doug Blandy (right)

Last night, University of Oregon Professors Doug Blandy and John Fenn presented on this past summer’s Beijing based field school at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Blandy and Fenn spoke alongside other UO faculty, staff, and students at the JSMA whose presentations generally focused on UO study abroad programs in China.

The presentation covered information on this past summer’s Beijing based field school, and included three student participants from the program: Sam Gehrke, Megan Lallier-Barron, and Jo Guan.

Professors Blandy and Fenn discussed the unique nature of studying culture and heritage, in addition to their two week residency in Beijing. Though each of the student participants reported on very different aspects that enriched their time in China – everything from culture shock to change of focus in academic research to major shifts of perspective toward one’s own country – all acknowledged that the field school was a life changing experience.

Stay tuned to learn for in-depth information about field school participants and their personal stories.

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