ChinaVine is unrolling a new social media strategy, VineOnline, and we are inviting you to connect with us.
VineOnline’s hub is our new blog, C-Vine updates. With C-Vine updates we will track and chronicle ChinaVine’s progress, keeping you up to date on all the latest developments and changes. And we want your input. Comment on our posts. Do you have a blog that’s relevant to ChinaVine’s mission? Let us know and we’ll add it to our blog roll. Want C-Vine updates to tell your ChinaVine story? Use the subject head “tell my story,” and write to us at .
VineOnline is using the best tools Web 2.0 has to offer. Find us on Facebook. Like our posts? Go ahead write on our wall. Follow us on Twitter. Like what you see? Re-tweet it. On Vimeo watch our videos, and share your own. Exchange images with us on Flickr, and sounds with us on SoundCloud.
And stay tuned. ChinaVine is also unrolling a new website with a range of features our current website does not have, including new ways for you to add content. The release date for our new site is set for end of 2010. Drop by C-Vine updates for more details.
The ChinaVine Team