A new paper online early today in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, written by grad student Meaghan Emery and PI’s Drs. Davis and Hopkins, named a new species of agriochoerid (clawed-oreodont) from the Hancock Mammal Quarry in eastern Oregon! They not only name the new species, but they also discuss variation and all of the reason why this is a new and different species. Check it out here. Congratulations on your good work!

FIGURE 1. Tooth rows from UOMNH specimens, and diagrams of tooth terminology. A, B, image and diagram of upper tooth row, a composite specimen with the M3 of F-28324, the M2 and M1 of F-27687, and the P1–P4 of F-27697; C, D, image and diagram of lower tooth row of UCMP V75203/196318. Abbreviations: alacr, anterolabial cristid; alicr, anterolingual cristid; ALC, anterolabial cone; as, anterior style; ci, cingulum; EC, entoconid; es, entostylid; HC, hypoconuid; HCL, hypoconulid; MC, metacone or metaconid; MCL, metaconule or metaconulid; MLAC, mesolabial cone or conid; MLIC, mesolingual cone or conid; mss, mesostyle or mesostylid; mts, metastyle or metastylid; PC, paracone or paraconid; pcr, protocristid; pes, pre-entostylid; placr, posterolabial cristid; PLIC, posterolingual cone; plicr, posterolingual cristid; pmcr, postmetaconulecrista; pos, posterior style; ppcr, postprotocrista; PrC, protocone or protoconid; prpcr, preprotocristid; ps, parastyle or parastylid; tcr, transverse cristid; trcro, transverse cristid oblique. Image D taken by Dave Strauss and released under a CC-BY 3.0 license. All scale bars equal 1 cm.
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