The taste of a freshly picked tomato straight from the vine of the plant that you have grown yourself is a taste like no other. If you have never had a bite of a juicy tomato fresh from the garden, you are missing out. At the Urban Farm and the Columbia St. Garden, we grow […]
Tag archives for harvest
Abundance of Apples!
That time of year. A post shared by Urban Farm (@urbanfarmfriend) on Aug 15, 2017 at 1:49pm PDT Making Apple Cider at the Farm!!! Making Fresh apple cider at the Urban Farm is a treat normally reserved for the Fall term class when the apples are fallen on the ground and ready for cider! […]
Life Alive!
Currently listening: Menace- Best of Today I went around and just took pictures of both classes and both locations, the Columbia street and the UO one. I’ll elaborate more on that later, but first I want to post these pictures! Morning Class at UO Urban Farm: Lauren’s group examining the bee’s: Harper’s group setting up […]
Olive You Lettuce Bee Together
Currently listening: Sheer Mag- Fan The Flames We have 97.46 pounds of harvest for the month of April! Imagine if we had been recording for the winter term too! Epic :] I am pumped and believe gardening is such an important part of LIFE! How blessed we are to be able to participate in such […]