A Narrative of the University of Oregon Urban Farm

Tag archives for bees

What’s Buzzing?

Walking around the Urban Farm, if you are observant and listen, you will hear the buzz of busy bees working hard to gather pollen and making our garden come alive with fruits and veggies.  Our friends the bees are an essential part of the garden ecosystem. Without them and our other pollinators, we would not […]

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These Bee Puns Are Just Winging It

warre bee home

Currently listening: Lecherous Gaze- Animal Brain Saturday (April 5, 2015) I got to watch bee’s go into a new home. A Kenya (top-bar horizontal hive) and a Warre  Langstroth hive :], Italian honey-bee’s in one and European in the other. Before: “After” (Since the bee’s were still adjusting to their new home, I wouldn’t quite refer […]

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