A Narrative of the University of Oregon Urban Farm

Tag archives for eat local

Tons of Tomatoes!

The taste of a freshly picked tomato straight from the vine of the plant that you have grown yourself is a taste like no other. If you have never had a bite of a juicy tomato fresh from the garden, you are missing out. At the Urban Farm and the Columbia St. Garden, we grow […]

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Fig it!

The Urban Farm fig tree located right beside the club house is massive, and probably the coolest tree at the farm. When the tree begins to ripen near the end of summer with fresh figs, there has to be hundreds. This Summer we had a few students climb up to the tree and pick bucketfuls […]

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Cultivating Mushrooms!

One of the coolest and unique projects on the farm is growing mushrooms on logs! This is a method of cultivating mushrooms by inoculating a log with mushroom plugs. This is how how you do it. Pick a log. It should be from 3-6 inches in diameter. The log should be 3-5 feet in length. Good […]

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Not Rhubarb Pie!

Currently listening: Tom Waits- Rain Dogs Recipe time! I think during every class I get asked, or hear someone else asking “What do I do with this? / How do I cook or eat this vegetable?” Today we harvested rhubarb, I wanted to make something else besides ‘strawberry-rhubarb pie, that if you add enough strawberries […]

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