Currently Listening: Crypt Trip- Crypt Trip

Friday May 1st the Hawthorn Tree came down to let in more sunshine and open up the abandoned kiln area.  What an important event to document in the history of the farm!  We were lucky enough to have Sperry’s Tree Care come and do the work with Jesse as one of the former team leaders here at the Urban Farm.

timber 2

timber 4

timber 5

timber 7

Since we can use the wood chips, they will leave the pile for us!

wood chips action shot


Harper and Jesse discussing which apple tree should be removed to let in more light for the existing ones:

what to cut

jesse cut 1

jesse cut 2

jesse cut 3


Now, how can we use everything to its upmost potential? Let’s save this log to inoculate it for spores!

do we save it for mushrooms

jesse cut 4

Never haul away someone else’s branches:

never haul someone elses branches


Taking a break, talking about the Millrace which had been turned on that day:
talking about the millrace

Look at that sunshine!:

beds now have sunshineUpdate!:

Check out the new garden beds and growth that have flourished since the removal of the tree:

May 19: new sun beds may 19 2