It’s summer time at the Urban Farm and the living is definitely easy. Our summer term class has been spending most of their time on the farm trying to keep on top of harvesting. Last year we planted way too many zucchini and crookneck squash plants. We adjusted things this year in the hopes that no one gets buried with summer squash. I’m happy to report that we are getting a good variety of summer squash, tomatoes, lettuces, beans, beets, cucumbers and such.
The apple trees are hanging over and starting to drop fruit already. Not sure what is going on there. Don’t they know it’s only August? Typically we harvest those in another month, around late September. The pear trees seem to be behaving though. We should have a good crop come October.
The school break between summer and fall terms is on the horizon. We always need extra volunteers during that time. If you are interested, send us an email or just stop by on a Saturday from 10:30-12:30. Happy harvesting!
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