Currently Listening: Minor Threat - Complete Discography
It’s been rainy here the past couple days which as I’m sure you can imagine makes everything in the garden just POP! Thus far, we’ve harvested 37 pounds for the month of May.
Check out this ridiculous allium: (whose name I do not know!)
We transplanted some peppers already (we’ll see!) and check out the spinach that we planted from a Territorial Seed Co. seed strip (May 12):
At the bottom bed of this photo on April 21, you can see the spinach sprouting up!:
Bok Choy on April 14:
I have a bunch of varied, what I like to call ‘general harvest work photos’ that I think it is time to share!
April 7, not even a storm can deter the Urban Farmers from prepping beds for spring planting:
Every group was busy working and harvesting April 9:
Someone took a leek in the sink:
April 14:
Tom sweeping up for the week on April 23:
Taking out some brassica’s April 21 to prep that bed for some Thai eggplant:
May 5, nice romaine harvest:
May 12:
Okay so this isn’t a work shot, but look at how beautifully laid out this bed is!:
Great job everyone, and don’t forget to study your plant families for the exam tomorrow ;]
Later Days
-Kat B!
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