Currently listening: The Beach Boys- Vega-Tables

Beltane celebration! I want to do a little write up about it, but it simply will not compare to Lauren’s version of the tale.  Just let it be known we took a break from our normal activities to celebrate May Day.  We had a potluck and danced around the maypole.  Here are the lovely pictures (and a maypole timelapse video) that show the warmth from everyones smiling faces!

The dance is slightly complicated to perform, there are 36 ribbons- two groups of 18 students, going opposite directions, weaving in and out of one another!  Here is a video to demonstrate the fun and dance (I know the orientation is off, dill with it):

Precelebreation Ribbons

Lauren telling tale

Before we danced, Lauren told us the story of the sun god and goddess.  Tom talked to us about the importance of the seasons and planting.  Learning and celebrating at the same time!

Gather and Listening

Gather and Listening

In addition to the love we put into growing plants and enriching the soil– The Urban Farm fosters safe and welcoming relationships. 

Shelly and Jenny adorable
Gather and Listening

gather and listening tom 1

gather and listening tom 2

gather and listening tom 4


After the story we had to untangle the ribbons!

Tom KiKi ribbon twisted

toms group twised ribbon shannon


Almost there!

Top of Maypole


Twisted Ribbon Harper group 3 yes


Twisted Ribbon Harper Group


Twisted Ribbon Harper Group


And manage to not get tangled in the ribbon yourself! ;]

Twisted ribbon group

getting ready

KiKi untwisting ribbon

dance shelly holding ribbon

Then it was time to begin the maypole dance:

But first it’s instagram time!

cell phones out

Lauren love Dan
beltane ribbon designSuch a pretty pattern

working at it dance

Since we don’t have a boom-box, meet our fabulous percussion and lead vocal section: (I head a rumor there was a wicked cool harmonica player floating around but never spotted them)

percussion crew 4

percussion crew 2

And in case you were wondering about the adorable baby, meet Theo, son of group leaders Keegan and Jenny Caughlin:

baby theo too cute yes

baby theo and keegan

baby theo and jenny

It got a little complicated and hilarious toward the end! 

(yes these are slightly out of order)

Braid maypole shelly laugh yes yes

end of dance 3

end of dance 4

end of dance 5 yes

end of dance 2

When it got to the end, the next task was to braid the ribbons, and then braid those ribbons together:

braiding bottom pole 2

braiding bottom of pole 1 yes

braiding bottom pole

Now it was time for us to celebrate by breaking bread with one another!

Check out this freshly popped popcorn Kasey donated from Lonesome Whistle Farm! Thank you so much!

Pretty table setup

sun tea

queing to eat 1

Spring flowers were abundant!


Cheyenne holding red petaled sunflower starts (and some cool kid in the reflection of her glasses):

Cheyenne peace sunflowers

Dan and group relaxing in the shade of the orchard:

dan apple tree

Dans group photo


Shelly holding the centerpiece of the potluck, bravo! It looks heavy and delicious!:

Shelly squash

banana squash
Lauren love forever

I’ve got even more pictures of the dancers holding the ribbon as they weave in and out of one another, but now I must go to Sam Bonds and check out my Urban Farm friend and classmate Matt’s band :]

To be continued…

Later Days

-Kat B!