“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

-Benjamin Franklin

Pear blossoms number in the thousands, creating a surreal barrier between a thicket of undergrowth and the skies above. Squirrels forage for young buds, their cheeks bulging with the spoils of a successful expedition; the elegant gatherers of their time. This place, our place— in all of its beauty, its organized chaos, boasts its potential for communal synergy, personal growth, and the transparent success of hands-on academia. Look no further, for the Urban Farm’s deep ecological clairvoyance is unparalleled by any other collegiate experience. An entire realm teeming with life, truly reflective of ecosystem symbiosis. Enter the vine-ridden gate and you too shall become an organism dwelling within the greater bionetwork of an agrarian community.


The primary mission of the Urban Farm community is to educate the participating student body about the importance of natural, balanced, local food systems and all that they entail. This program offers a chance for students to bridge the gap between academia and actuality. We strive to understand the true meaning of food sovereignty through a collective agricultural effort. After hours of hard work and spent energy, the taste of that first tomato that you yourself produced has a uniquely satisfying flavor. Only then can we begin to grasp the importance of community-centered food production, and what we can do to stimulate its growth. Within the Urban Farm we remain teachable; we aim to fulfill the responsibilities of our generation as a trustee of the environment for succeeding generations. Through the scope of a well-designed all inclusive curriculum, the Urban Farm offers students of all disciplines an opportunity to further their agrarian education as it pertains to paths all their own.