June 2019 Update

Document Migration from Singularity to OnBase

  • Hyland continues its work on migrating (copying) documents from Singularity to OnBase. This initial migration will include only pre-2019 documents.
  • All documents from 2019 will then be included in the “delta” migrations in July and August.
  • The migration is progressing a bit slower than anticipated and will likely continue into the second week of July. Additional server resources have been allocated to speed up the process.

Workflow Migration from Singularity to OnBase

  • Each of the 18 workflows used by the Office of the Registrar and the Admissions Office must be redeveloped in OnBase. For many of the workflows, that includes:
    • Developing integration with Banner and other UO data systems;
    • Testing the workflow to make sure it operates as designed;
    • Migrating the workflow from the test environment to the production environment;
    • Retraining users in the OnBase version of the workflow.
  • So far, five of the workflows have been rewritten and are being tested by RO and AO staff.
  • Workflow redevelopment will continue into mid-July.


  • Information Services staff are working to train staff in several departments so those individuals can then lead the remaining training sessions.
  • Training for most departments will teach staff how to scan, store, and retrieve documents in OnBase.
  • RO and AO staff will also learn how to use workflows.
  • Training continue through most of July.

Departmental Delta Migrations and Transitions to OnBase

  • “Delta” migrations for documents that are were entered in Singularity since January 1, 2019, will occur on a department-by-department basis.
  • For the RO and AO, those migrations are planned for July. For other departments, the migrations will start after August 1.
  • IS will work with individual departments to set dates for this work and for their respective transitions to OnBase.

Migration from Perceptive to OnBase (GE Workflow)

  • The date for the transition from Perceptive to OnBase has not yet been determined.
  • IS staff are working to gather requirements and design elements for redevelopment of the Graduate Employee (GE) Workflow.
  • Staff will then work with users to redevelop that workflow in OnBase.
  • Documents will also need to be migrated from Perceptive to OnBase. This work will likely take place in late August.
  • Training for users will also be offered prior to the transition.


  • June to mid-July:
    • Workflow development and testing
    • Document migration (copying) from Singularity to DuckDocs
  • June to late July: Training sessions for users (dates TBD)
  • July-August:
    • Individual departments will move to DuckDocs during this window (dates TBD)
    • “Delta” migrations of documents that have changed since January 1
  • August 1 (tentative): Admissions and Registrar’s Offices move to DuckDocs
  • End of August (tentative): All Singularity users will be working in DuckDocs

May 2019 Update

Update on OnBase Activities

Document Migration from Singularity to OnBase

We are in the initial stages of copying documents and their associated annotations and metadata from Singularity to OnBase.

The test environment for OnBase has been set up and Hyland migrated 10 examples of each document type from Singularity. Users in each of the departments involved tested those documents to see if they matched the documents in Singularity. There were a few issues discovered, and the migration script was adjusted accordingly. Ultimately, all of the departments verified that the migration process was working correctly.

Work on the setup and configuration of the production environment for OnBase has also been completed.

Hyland has now started the process of migrating (copying, actually) documents from Singularity to OnBase, which is expected to take several weeks, likely through the end of June.

Please note that Singularity will continue to serve as the authoritative source of documents for each department until that department is migrated to OnBase. Documents that have been migrated to OnBase can still be used and changed in Singularity until the cutover. A series of “delta” migrations (of documents that have changed) will occur in July and August.

Workflow Migration from Singularity to OnBase

Work has also begun on developing, in OnBase, the workflows currently in use in Singularity:

  • 12 workflows for the Admissions Office
  • 6 workflows for the Office of the Registrar

Migration from Perceptive to OnBase (GE Workflow)

Work on migrating documents from Perceptive and recreating the Graduate Employee Workflow from Perceptive will begin in May and continue through June and July. One of the first steps will be for Information Services to gather requirements for that workflow from the Graduate School and other departments.


Hyland conducted a first round of OnBase training for UO staff in mid-April. Those trainees will now become trainers for other OnBase users at the UO. Two types of training will be offered: one for users who will be scanning, storing, and retrieving documents, and the other for those who will be using workflows. The trainings are expected to take place in July.


  • Late May: Workflow testing by Office of the Registrar staff
  • Early June-early July: Workflow testing by Admissions Office staff
  • Late June: Completion of document migration (actually copying) from Singularity to DuckDocs
  • July: Training sessions for users (dates TBD)
  • July-August:
    • Individual departments will move to DuckDocs during this window (dates TBD)
    • “Delta” migrations of documents that have changed in Singularity since June
  • August 1 (tentative): Admissions and Registrar’s Offices move to DuckDocs
  • End of August: All Singularity users will be working in DuckDocs

November 2017 Update

Freshman Activity Workflow (FAW):

We are working with a staff person from Hyland that was recently assigned to the FAW implementation.  He is working with UO Information Services staff to complete the development of the FAW in the TEST environment.  Scripts for the integration of Freshman Activity Workflow and Banner have been developed and are being tested.  Much of the set up and deployment will be accomplished with the vendor staff working remotely.  Once it is felt that the setup is complete, the Hyland staff person assigned to this project will come on campus to assist with User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and training.  If all goes as planned this will happen in December.

Once the Admissions staff have accepted the testing of the FAW and associated Freshman Reader Sheet (FRS), Information Services staff will begin working on some changes to the original design that were identified during the design phase but were out of scope for the vendor contract.  We would like to have that work completed for testing in the Spring of 2018.  We plan to have the FAW live in production before the start of Fall 2018 term.

Singularity Migration:

The problems encountered during the last test of the Singularity migration script turned out to be more challenging than originally thought.  However, those errors have been cleaned up and subsequent testing has revealed that the script is working properly.  There is some work to do in mapping the documents and document classes for the migration and that work continues to move ahead. The Business affairs office is also working to align the documents to the proper drawers within the new Perceptive Content.  They are also working on developing a few workflows to manage the incoming documents.  More testing will occur through the month of November and we are targeting December for a migration of the Business Affairs Office documents.

The project team has identified University Housing to be the next group to migrate their documents. UO Housing staff have been engaged and will be working with us as we migrate the Business Affairs Office.

September 2017 Update

Freshman Activity Workflow (FAW) Update:

The work for the Freshman Activity Workflow is moving forward albeit vacation schedules have slowed the progress a bit.  Information Services is in the process of getting scripts developed that will allow for integration between the Freshman Activity Workflow and Banner.  Once that is complete Hyland will schedule their developer to come on site to the University of Oregon to complete development of the Workflow as designed.  In the mean time the Hyland staff member will be working remotely to complete as much of the development as possible.

Singularity Migration to Perceptive Content:

The Business Affairs Office has completed the design and build for the departmental drawers structure in the test environment.  Hyland staff have been working with Information Services staff to rebuild the migration script to move documents from Singularity to the Perceptive Content system.  That work was completed and we re-ran the migration test on a small set of documents.  That test went well but revealed come cleanup work that needs to be done.  Once that work is complete we will run another larger sample test on the BAO documents.  If all goes well with the testing then we will move into the training phase of the BAO migration.

Hyland also completed the work on the keyless indexing script which was a requirement for the migration of the Enrollment Management documents.

The project team has identified University Housing to be the next group to migrate their documents.  UO Housing staff have been engaged and will be working with us as we migrate the Business Affairs Office.



August 2017 Update

Freshman Activity Workflow (FAW) Update:

Recently the vendor we have been working with on this project (Kofax) completed a sale to Hyland Software, Inc.  There have been a few relatively minor issues as this transition has begun to unfold, most notably with the company support portal and contact points for Kofax staff.  However work continues on the FAW.  As noted in July the design document was completed and signed.  A Kofax staff person has been identified to work with us and we have been working to set up accounts and access so this person can begin developing the workflow in the DuckDocs test environment.  He is tentatively scheduled to be onsite the week of September 11th to work with UO staff to complete the development and migration to the DuckDocs production environment.

As noted previously, although we will be moving the FAW into the Perceptive production environment this fall, we do not anticipate it being used by UO Admissions Office staff until next summer (2018).  This is due to the integration between the FAW and other Enrollment Management workflows and document imaging, all of which are being worked on but will not be completed until spring or early summer of 2018.

Singularity Migration to Perceptive Content:

The Singularity migration portion of this project is being worked on in several arenas:

We are working with the Business Affairs Office (BAO) to complete the design and buildout of the departmental “drawers” structure as well as the user access and security.  The design for this access will mirror the current access rules for Singularity.  Most of the users in the BAO have completed access forms and Information Services staff have created accounts for them in the new system.  BAO staff are now working on setting up training for the staff who will be using the new document imaging system.  We are hoping to run some test migrations for the BAO in early September.

Information Services staff also continues to work with staff from Hyland to complete the migration script as well as a keyless indexing script.

Project team members have developed plans for the migration of Enrollment Management documents and workflows from Singularity to the Perceptive Content System and we are working to complete that effort.  It is anticipated that this work will continue through the second quarter of 2018.

Enrollment Management staff are also working to identify the next group outside of Enrollment Mangement whose documents will be migrated from Singularity migrated to Perceptive Content.

Update July 2017

GE Workflow:

The Graduate Employee Workflow continues to be a big improvement over the formerly paper process.  It was noted that new graduate employees who have not had an appointment previously could not access their appointment contract on the DuckWeb site and we are working to resolve that issue.

FAW Workflow update:

The Freshman Admissions Workflow portion of the project is moving forward.  The design document produced by the vendor (Kofax) was signed off the first week of July.  Kofax is now identifying a resource that will work with University staff to develop the Freshman Reader Sheet and associated workflows.  We will work with Admissions staff to thoroughly test this new process and make changes where necessary and possible.

We are also working with Enrollment Management staff to identify and design workflows associated with Enrollment Management business processes.  We will also be working on the migration of documents related to these processes.

Singularity Migration to Perceptive Content:

BAO Singularity Migration:

The Business Affairs Office staff are working with Enrollment Management and Information Services staff to build out the design of the Perceptive Content area that will house the BAO documents.  This includes setting up document classes, custom properties, drawers, and security.  Kofax staff are making adjustments to the migration script that does the actual conversion.  No date has been set for the BAO migration as yet but progress is being made toward that end.


Update June 2017

Graduate Employee Workflow:

As noted the Graduate Employee Workflow went live on Monday May 8th.  There have been over 600 submissions into the new workflow system and the overwhelming response has been very positive.  To quote Nancy Willcox-Trent, the Budget and Operations Manager from the Graduate School: “I hear comments every day from stakeholders about how much easier this electronic process is.  This has vastly improved one of the major pain points for the Graduate School, and will have years of lasting impact.”

Singularity Migration:

University Information Services staff have been working with the vendor (now branded Kofax) to revise scripts that will manage the migration of the documents from Singularity to Perceptive Content.  Last month we ran a test migration to learn how long it will take to migrate the millions of documents stored in Singularity.  The results of that testing indicate that it will take several months to complete the migration.  Given this information we will set up several stages of migration over the coming months.  We will focus on documents that are archived in Singularity and are not currently being worked on.  We will work with the departments who use Singularity to identify departments where migration of documents would have minimal impact on current business processes.

Freshman Admission Workflow (FAW):

Design work for the Freshman Reader Sheet (FRS) and the associated workflows is wrapping up.  There is still much work to be done to develop, test, and migrate the workflows to production.  It was determined that it would not be feasible to separate the Freshman Admissions Workflow from the rest of Enrollment Management documents and workflows.  It was determined that it will take more than six months to complete the design, development, testing, and migration of all the workflows and documents associates with Enrollment Management.  Freshman admissions processing begins in September and runs through the following June.  These processes are vital to the University and will need to be thoroughly tested before the Admissions Office can begin utilizing the electronic system.  We are targeting Summer of 2018 to have the new workflows in place and ready for use before the freshman admissions process begins in September of 2018.  We will continue to work on the FAW and all of Enrollment Management until then while working on the Singularity migration with other departments in parallel.

Update May 2017

In case you noticed we did miss the update for April.  It has been a busy couple months!

Graduate Employee Workflow:

GE Workflow Process Goes Live Monday May 8th!!  Congratulations to the team on designing, building, and deploying the first electronic workflow process in the new DuckDocs system!

For the last couple months the team has been working hard to implement the changes to the original design after additional feedback.  Specifically, change how Graduate Employee request forms are monitored and reviewed.  On the back end the team moved the system from the Test environment to the Production environment.  In preparation for going live, the Graduate School created a training handbook and provided training for their stakeholders.  Those training sessions are nearing completion and we are moving everyone to the new system starting Monday the 8th of May.  For those who are involved in the process, you can find more information and links to the submission forms on the UO Graduate School website: http://gradschool.uoregon.edu/staff/gtf-appointments.

Singularity Migration:

A small set test to migrate documents from the current (Singularity) application to the new DuckDocs system was run successfully and we are gaining a greater understanding of the process.  We are preparing to run a larger sample migration soon.  We have targeted the end of summer for a migration of the documents associated with Enrollment Management.

Freshman Admission Workflow (FAW):

We are working with the Admissions office to design a workflow process for what was formerly called the Freshman Activity Worksheet (FAW).  The name has been changed to the Freshman Reader Sheet (FRS) to help distinguish it from the Freshman Admissions Workflow Process (FAW).  After documenting the current process, we started evaluating whether to make changes to the current process and started designing a new process.  The vendor representative was on site May 1st through May 4th to work on the design with the Admissions office.  Admissions staff devoted a good portion of extremely valuable and in demand time to assist in this process.  Over the next two weeks we will be working with the vendor to complete the design for the FRS.  We are also working to design other workflow processes associated with the FAW.  This will be done in conjunction with the migration of the Admissions Documents from Singularity.  We are planning to move the Freshman Admissions Process to this new system in September.

Update March 2017

New Name:

In a branding effort, we reached out to students to suggest possible names for this new service.  Haylea Berry, a student who works at the Technology Services Desk in Information Services, suggested the name that was chosen: DuckDocs, This refers to the management of documents both in storage and in workflows.  Thank you, Haylea!

Graduate Employee Workflow:

During testing of the workflow process, there were some proposed changes to the way the process works.  These changes center around the method of monitoring workflows and how those workflows would be reviewed and worked on during the process.  The proposal would make processing larger numbers of GE forms more efficient.  Those changes were evaluated and it was decided that we would proceed with the changes to the design.  We are working to implement them in the next few weeks.  The current plan is to provide training for end users in early April 2017 and have them experimenting with the system for a few weeks through mid-April.  We are focusing on going live with this workflow process in April.

Singularity Migration:

Thanks to the work effort of Chris LeBlanc and Jim Bouse in the Registrar’s Office, the work to design both the drawer structure and a conversion map for the migration of the Registrar’s Office document types was finished and given to the vendor for validating.  The drawer structure for the Registrar’s Office and Enrollment Management has been built in the test environment in the new system.  We are still on track to run a sample test of three document class types in March.  Once that test is complete and we know how the conversion works, we will evaluate the time to complete the remaining work of converting documents and workflows from Singularity to the new Perceptive Content.

We have identified seven workflows that are part of the Singularity Document Management System for the Registrar’s Office and Enrollment Management.  Of those seven workflows, two were identified that have data integration implications.  All seven workflow processes will need to be designed and built in the new system.

Information Services is in the process of hiring for a position that will concentrate on building workflows and assisting the campus community in document management and workflow.  That hire is in the interview stage and we hope to have a person onboard in April to start developing those workflows.

An email introducing the project was sent to the Singularity email list in February with the following timeline:

The migration will follow a four-step plan. First, in early March 2017, we plan to run a test migration of a small number of document types. Next we’ll run a larger test migration of all content from the Registrar’s Office. That’s tentatively planned for late March. After that we’ll prepare all of Enrollment Management for a full migration by early August 2017. The project team will use that foundation to inform planning for migrating the remaining departments, which we currently expect to occur between September and December 2017. There are many workflows associated with documents in Singularity, and those workflows will also need to be developed.

Update January 2017

Revised Timeline:


Graduate Employee Workflow:

The workflow was introduced to the academic departments on 11/15 and valuable feedback was received.  The “Design Document” used to build the Graduate Employee Workflow process in the system was completed 11/21 and a Lexmark resource was identified and has completed the process of building the workflow in the UO TEST system.  An onsite training session was conducted the week of December 12th.  During the onsite training a small group of workflow users was introduced and given access to the TEST system and new workflow build.  This training was interrupted by the Ice Storm that occurred during this week.  Subsequent training was conducted via a WebEx session on January 4th and 5th.  The small group that went through this training will be testing the solution through the end of January. Beginning in February the workflow will be opened for a broader group to conduct “User Acceptance Testing.”  This portion of the project is still on target to “go live” on April 15th.

Singularity Migration:

The focus during this period has been on the overall design and structure of the Perceptive Content Store.  Perceptive is designed with Departments which have “Drawers” which hold the documents.  The design focuses on which document types need to be in which departments and drawers.  Another major component of the design is the access model for the drawers and documents.  Many documents will be shared across departments.  The system will be designed using the basic structure in the current Singularity system as the base model.  Much effort is also being made to develop a “conversion map” of the existing documents in Singularity to where those documents will land in Perceptive.  Given the volume of documents (millions) and the number of document types (hundreds) this is a huge task.  However progress is being made.  We plan to run a test migration on a small number of documents in February.  Work will then turn to setting up the Registrar’s Office (RO) and Enrollment Management (EM) for a larger scale test conversion which we hope to complete in April.  This test should give us enough information to begin planning for the timing of the migration for the rest of the departments.  There are many workflows associated with documents in Singularity and those workflows will also need to be developed.

Update November 2016

Graduate Employee Workflow:

The emphasis for this period has been on the GE Workflow process design.  A Personnel Request Form (PRF) has been designed:


Along with this form a workflow process has been drafted.  The proposed process outline would be:

  1. A Graduate Employee (GE) recommendation is made
  2. The department Graduate Coordinator completes the electronic PRF and clicks “Submit”
  3. The form is automatically routed to the person designated in the Department to approve GE Appointments
  4. The Department Designee reviews the PRF and if they approve they click “Submit”.  This adds their name and a date stamp to the PRF and automatically forwards the form to the UO Graduate Office
  5. The UO Graduate School Coordinator reviews the form.  If errors or omissions are identified the Coordinator sends the form back to the Department Coordinator to fix.  Once the UO Graduate School Coordinator approves they click “Submit”.  The form is converted to a non-editable image and forwarded on to the UO Payroll Office.  An e-mail is sent to the Graduate Employee directing them to DuckWeb to accept the appointment.
  6. The Payroll office reviews and works with the Department Coordinator to gather necessary payroll documents and then processes the payroll request.

This process is illustrated below: DRAFT


The expected time frame for the GE Workflow process will be:

  • Current to December 15th, 2016 – Build and Installation of workflow process and forms
  • December 19th 2016 – January 27th 2017 – Testing by identified partners
  • January 30th 2017 – March 17th 2017 – User Acceptance Testing by larger GE Process Partner group
  • April 15th 2017 is the projected “GO LIVE” date for production

During October and early November Information Services Staff has also been working with the vendor to complete the installation and configuration of the Test environment for the application.  This is nearly complete.  Once complete the vendor and UO Information Services Staff will begin the work of building the Production Environment for the system.  that work is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

Singularity Migration to Lexmark Perceptive Content:

In a parallel process the project team has been working with the Registrar’s office to design an enterprise structure for the Perceptive Content Store.  This is the design for the department and drawer structure for the enterprise system.  This work continues and will be very important as we move forward with the GE Workflow process as well as the migration of documents and processes from Singularity to the Lexmark Solution.  This migration will begin with the Registrar’s Office in the first half of 2017.

Update October 2016

The focus for the month of September 2016 has been threefold:

  1. Building the technical infrastructure. The technical team, led by Derek Wormdahl in Information Services, has worked with Lexmark to develop an architectural plan for the servers and network architecture for the system, as depicted in the diagram below:architectureDuring the planning phase for this project, it was decided that the focus would be on building out a test environment first, with the production environment to be built out over the next few months. The build-out for the test system was completed in late September. Lexmark technical staff worked with the Information Services technicians to install the software on September 29-30.  Configuration of the software continues.
  2. GE Workflow Process design. Note: Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTFs) are now known as Graduate Employees (GEs), so we have renamed this process accordingly. The GE project team, led by Nancy Willcox-Trent from the Graduate School, has been busy mapping current processes from the different departments. From those maps the team will develop a draft for a single process. Lexmark Professional Services staff were on campus October 4-6, 2016, to work with the UO GE Project Team to design the new process within the Transform application of Lexmark’s Perceptive Content Management System. Much progress was achieved during this visit, including a review and design of the Graduate Employee Payroll Request Form. This form and process are scheduled to be ready on December 19, 2016, for general testing by the staff who handle GE appointments.
  3. Enterprise planning and design for the Singularity migration and the overall design structure for the data that will be input into the system. The Singularity Migration team, led by Jim Bouse from the Registrar’s Office, has met several times to review the different document types and classes that will be included in the system. This will help in planning access to the data and help us avoid mismatched data fields. Lexmark asked for a pilot group for the Singularity migration and the Registrar’s Office was selected for this role. The design process for this will happen through the month of November 2016.

Update 9/8/2016

The Workflow project has made rapid progress over the last month.  After getting the contract with Lexmark signed in June, the Executive Sponsors and Steering Committee met with the project team on 8/8 and reviewed the initial priorities for the project, which include the following sub-projects:

  • GTF Workflow: Develop an electronic workflow process for Graduate Teaching Fellow employee contracts
  • Singularity Migration: Migrate from the Singularity document management solution, which is past “end of life,” to Lexmark’s Perceptive Content Management System
  • Freshman Activity Worksheet (FAW): Develop an electronic workflow process and document management system within the Admissions workflow process
  • Identify and build framework for additional campus workflow processes

On 8/17, Lexmark staff came to UO campus for an initial kickoff meeting with the UO project team.  We discussed the several phases of the project and reviewed the scope.  We also discussed a high-level project schedule, depicted in the following timeline graphic (subject to change):


(Click on image to enlarge)

Currently the project team is actively working on mapping current workflow process within the GTF hiring process.  We’re also gathering baseline metrics for the Singularity migration.  Information Services staff received an “architectural plan” from Lexmark and are working on an installation plan, which will include the setup of the virtual server environment and the installation and configuration of the software.

The focus over the next month will be to set up the server environment, followed by Lexmark coming onsite to install and configure the software.  Other staff will be continuing work on the planning for the GTF workflow process as well as enterprise planning for the Singularity migration.