Freshman Activity Workflow (FAW) Update:
The work for the Freshman Activity Workflow is moving forward albeit vacation schedules have slowed the progress a bit. Information Services is in the process of getting scripts developed that will allow for integration between the Freshman Activity Workflow and Banner. Once that is complete Hyland will schedule their developer to come on site to the University of Oregon to complete development of the Workflow as designed. In the mean time the Hyland staff member will be working remotely to complete as much of the development as possible.
Singularity Migration to Perceptive Content:
The Business Affairs Office has completed the design and build for the departmental drawers structure in the test environment. Hyland staff have been working with Information Services staff to rebuild the migration script to move documents from Singularity to the Perceptive Content system. That work was completed and we re-ran the migration test on a small set of documents. That test went well but revealed come cleanup work that needs to be done. Once that work is complete we will run another larger sample test on the BAO documents. If all goes well with the testing then we will move into the training phase of the BAO migration.
Hyland also completed the work on the keyless indexing script which was a requirement for the migration of the Enrollment Management documents.
The project team has identified University Housing to be the next group to migrate their documents. UO Housing staff have been engaged and will be working with us as we migrate the Business Affairs Office.