Mentorship Program

Mentorship for Undergraduate Women in Physics (μWiP) pairs undergraduate mentees with graduate mentors from the physics department. Mentors and mentees meet one-on-one twice a quarter over coffee or tea to discuss whatever topics they choose, be it academic advice, research opportunities, or general encouragement. Studies have found that mentorship can play a vital role in helping members of underrepresented groups stay in STEM through college. For instance, researchers at Central State University created a retention program with a diverse list of activities and resources, including academic advising, an honors program, and research opportunities, but over 90% of participants reported that mentoring was the most influential component to their success.

μWiP participation is open to any UOWiP member, and women and gender minorities are especially encouraged to apply.

μWiP will begin Week 5 of Fall Term for the 2017/2018 academic year


If you are a graduate student or senior undergraduate student and would like to be a mentor, please email Amanda Steinhebel.

If you are an undergraduate student and would like to be a mentee, please fill out the form below.