ASUO Men's Center

Reworking Masculinity

Month: May 2017

Come see Maysoon Zayid June 2nd

Come to Straub 156 on June 2nd to see Maysoon Zayid, an actress, stand-up comic, philanthropist and advocate for the disabled and racially oppressed. The event is sponsored by the Accessible Education Center, AccessABLITY, College of Education, Women’s Center, Center on Human Development, and more. There is captioning, RM systems, Wheelchair accessible and ASL interpreting.

She is hilarious, wonderful, and powerful women with much to say, if you are curious on who she is, below is a Ted Talk that she presented in December of 2013. Come and support people of color, disability, and women during a comical night!


Reconstructing masculinity is crucial to our survival

Reconstructing masculinity is crucial to our survival. Smashing the patriarchy is not just a slogan for a shirt, it is an absolutely required step for the survival of humanity.

School shootings, terror bombings, military occupations, transphobia, gay bashing, rape culture, poverty, police brutality, mass incarceration, and so many other violent social phenomenon are propagated, largely in part, by a patriarchal conception of masculinity.

We call this ‘Toxic Masculinity.’ When we look at these violent actions, we can see just how fatal toxic masculinity can be when manifested. Cis men commit the vast majority of murders and mass violence. Cis men wage the vast majority of the wars. Violence is heavily tied to masculinity. If we are to begin to address violence and create safer societies, then we need to look at masculinity seriously; and begin to reconstruct it.

Toxic masculinity is killing us. We can no longer ignore the death and destruction caused by toxic masculinity. We need our allies to have these discussions with people in their lives. We need to address and be critical of toxic masculinity everywhere. Continuing to be silent in the face of oppression is to be on the side of the oppressor.

Men deserve better than toxic masculinity. We all deserve better than toxic masculinity. And if we are to survive as a people, then we must work to dismantle toxic masculinity and create masculinities that are radically inclusive. We must always work to create more socially just and equitable communities.

“We must dare to face the way in which patriarchal thinking blinds everyone so that we cannot see that the emotional lives of boys cannot be fully honored as long as notions of patriarchal masculinity prevail. We cannot teach boys that “real men” either do not feel or do not express feelings, then expect boys to feel comfortable getting in touch with their feelings.”
― bell hooks

Men’s Story Project THIS WEEKEND

What is the Men’s Story Project?

It is a replicable, testimonial-based community dialogue initiative that works to address this gap by bringing critical exploration of masculinities into public forums – through men’s less-often-heard voices and stories. The Men’s Story Project aim to strengthen attitudes, behaviors and ultimately social norms that support healthy masculinities – through public story-sharing events films and other media based on these live events and related educational tools and community engagement effort. In each live Men’s Story Project production, diverse men share life stories with an audience with unusual candor- that explore social ideas about masculinity. Topics include family relationships, violence, sexuality, gender identity, HIV and AIDs, personal transformations and intersections with factors including race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion. The stories collectively celebrate men’s humanity and note costs of dominant notions of manhood. Diverse mediums are employed. Presenters have included celebrities and other opinion leaders, artist, activists, and men who have never spoken publicly. Two of these productions have been filmed to create educational films.

MOST club canceled May 25th in support of Out/Loud

OUT/LOUD is Eugene’s queer and trans women’s performance fest, celebrating the music, poetry, and art of queer women, trans women, non-binary folks, femme identifying people, and AFAB individuals. This year we will be celebrating our 17th anniversary of the festival on May 25th with a diverse performance from locals and out of town artists on the Queer and Trans spectrum.

Thursday, May 25 at 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm is Global Scholars Hall, Great Room 123

Learn more here and go out to support our queer and trans allies!



The Men’s Center is Tabling!


Come in for Discussion Hour

“Why can masculinity be bad? What is hegemonic masculinity anyways?”

“How do I have privilege? Why do I have it? Don’t we have equality now?”

“How can I get involved personally?”

For any personal or general questions or inquiries that you may have the Men’s Center is here for you. We host an hour a week any member of the community is encouraged to come in with their questions to speak on on one with a Men’s Center staff member.

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