San Fransisco 2017

 San Fransisco

“The coldest summer I ever spent was the summer I spent in San Fransisco.” — Mark Twain

For the 2107 site visit IBEC hit the road and went to San Fransisco to further our professional development.

While there we met with three company’s: Gree, Yelp, and HP Worldwide.




The first stop on our San Fransisco tour was Gree. Originally a Japanese company that was founded in 2004 Gree is a media company that focuses on gaming, media, advertisements, and investments.

We met with a former UO grad and learned more about what the company does, and how they compete on an internet and global platforms.





For the last meeting of the day a small group of members were able to go to HP Worldwide in the famous silicon valley.

They learned about the process in which HP makes its product, and how they made a change from HP technology and HP printing.

They also showed them what they do with their older computers and other parts made by their company, and use them to make new products from those recycled goods.


And we may have had a little fun along the way…