Resources for Course Proposals

There are new process ( and new policies for ( curricular changes.

Below are the archived versions of previous policy:

Procedures for curricular changes

If seeking approval to meet core education requirements for the first time, see resources below:

  • New requirement details for Methods of Inquiry, Areas of Inquiry, and Cultural Literacy (US: Difference, Inequality and Agency and Global Perspectives)
  • Template to use to demonstrate how course meets new requirements

If submitting an existing course for summer review that already meets a core education requirement, see instructions and templates here

Outcomes and criteria for Core Ed   (updated criteria and outcomes by Senate decision with transfer updates)

Required outcomes to include for US:DIA and Global Perspectives courses:

Academic Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

CIM quick start – how to use the CourseLeaf system to submit a course proposal

Guidelines for approval of online/hybrid courses

UO Undergraduate General Education Group [old name] requirement with course criteria and outcomes

Special considerations for Graduate classes (also see Grad School)

Credit hours and student workload policies

Criteria for 300-level Group courses

Explaining the 4XX5XX Split (Cross-listing)

Helpful hints for submitting a proposal to UOCC (3-10-14)

U.S.: Difference, Inequality and Agency and Global Perspectives Requirement (formerly: Multicultural Requirement)

UOCC Guidelines for RCS and IRB review

Student Engagement Inventory

Student Engagement Inventory Summer

Honors criteria

Multi-listed classes

Addressing use of guest lecturers in course proposals

Graduate Council policy on Graduate Online

Supplemental Information Required for Review of Graduate Online and Hybrid Courses

Temporary Gen Ed satisfying courses

Syllabus Guidelines with links and language for university resources

Additional UOCC guidelines for syllabi class policies and procedures

Attendance and Engagement Policy (Spring 2022)

Incomplete Policy (Spring 2022)

Course duplication or overlap guidelines

Instructor Availability and Office Hours (Guidance)

Using FERPA-compliant platforms in courses: Student Records Privacy Policy  and available FERPA-compliant platforms
