We are looking for workshops, panels, and tutorials to supplement and complement the course offerings at the 2025 Linguistics Society of America Summer Institute, to be held in Eugene, OR, USA from July 7 to August 8, 2025. 

 Events can be held on July 9, 16, 30, or August 6, 2025 and can last 1.5 hours, 3 hours or all day. We will provide room for the event and will advertise the event on the institute website. All expenses beyond the cost of the room are, however, the responsibility of the event organizers.  

These events are intended to supplement coursework at the institute. Some possibilities are: 

  • Panel discussions on a topic of general interest 
  • Hands-on tutorials on software 
  • Career skills (e.g., linguistics pedagogy) 
  • Linguistics beyond academia 
  • Seeking and obtaining funding 
  • Outreach to the general public 

The theme of the Institute is “Language in Use”, and we currently have particularly strong course offerings in 

  • Typology 
  • Descriptive and functional morphosyntax 
  • Usage-based, learning-theoretic and constructivist approaches to language acquisition 
  • Language variation and change, including frequency effects therein 
  • Construction grammar and formulaic language 
  • Information-theoretic and probabilistic approaches to linguistic theory 
  • Bayesian and connectionist approaches to speech and language processing 
  • Statistical methods in linguistic data analysis 

A preliminary list of courses and instructors (frequently updates as they come in at this point) is here: https://blogs.uoregon.edu/ublab/courses-and-instructors/ We would especially appreciate workshops bringing together groups of Institute faculty.

Proposals should include:  

  1. Event title 
  2. Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the proposer(s) 
  3. One-paragraph description of the event (300 words max)
  4. Which date is the event to occur on: July 9, 16, 30, or August 6? Should it take 1.5 hours, 3 hours, or all day? If not all day, should it occur in the morning or afternoon?
  5. Five keywords 
  6. Short statement on how the event relates to the theme of the institute and the focus areas above, and what students will get out of it (200 words max) 
  7. Estimated enrollment (assuming ~300 students). Note: we only need this for room allocation – estimating a small class size will not be held against the proposal


Link for submissions: https://oregon.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cHIFNHgm1LSuiGy  

Deadline: December 1, 2024 


Feel free to contact me with any questions at vkapatsi@uoregon.edu  

 Vsevolod (Volya) Kapatsinski on behalf of myself, Kaori Idemaru and Spike Gildea, co-directors