Artifact 7: What Is Art For?
- Consider The Origins of Art
- Explore A Brief History of Western Art
- Examine Multiple Perspectives for Evaluating Art
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1. The term “Paleoanthropsychobiological,” is one that is used by the author Dissanayake throughout her article of “What is Art.” She uses this term in various ways to help describe art and what it is all about. She breaks the word down to three different ways, the first being that art is something that includes all of human history. After that she goes on to state that art also includes all of human societies while lastly she states that art is at times something that has psycological or emotional effects on humans as well as being a psychological or emotional need for people. This term is used by Dissanayake as a way to describe her point that art is something that must be viewed as a humanly trait from people.
2. Another term that the author refers to is the statement of, “Make Special,” as it is a term to describe that making something special that is out of the normal or unique way of something is a way to bring out as some describe the best of us. People creating something out of the ordinary or norms of what they may be used too brings out a different side of them and makes them feel like a newly brand new person. The creative juices that flow in humans after doing something out of the ordinary brings out alot of personal significance for people. It is more enjoyable to people because it is something new/different and something that they may have put alot of time and effort into. When someone makes something a little bit more special then their ordinary piece of art, they end up putting alot of time and effort into it rather than if it was something that they had been used too and was the same as before.
3. One of the first periods that the Author discusses is the Renaissance era during the 14th century. In this period we saw that one of the main focuses were on God and a variety of commodities but it actually turned out to be the period of which art back away from religion and spiritual beliefs. It was a time of which art started developing into recognizing what was going on around them and the more recognizable world. Another period that the author mentions is the Postmodernism period. This period described art as being something that can be percieved as almost anything that people put their minds too. Alot of the art during this period varied from culture to culture but alot of it was a reflection of what society at the time was dealing with such as different issues and what not. Lastly, another period that is reflected in the article is the modern art era. Alot of what the art consisted of during this period of time was way off from what was reality in society. It was a time of which art became not only very creative but also very complex. It was hard for people during this period to understand alot of what the art mean or the overal message of what the art was trying to get at.
I found this artifact to be very interesting because it was cool to see how art in itself has come together from a variety of different cultures including the Western Culture. It was cool to see as well that through times such as the Medival Times that art mainly consisted of religious beliefs. Reading through the various articles also made me realize not only how much has art transformed and progressed over time, so has our society as a whole since we are the ones creating art. Over time it was neat to see that art transformed into individual perspective and opinions rather than different religious beliefs and art being based off of just one or two different beliefs. A lot of the change seen through art is due to the history that has occured throughout time around the world.
Doing this assignment helped me expand and explore different horizons of different perspectives of determining art. The readings give good, clear reasoning to why different views were being placed. I believe that if we as people didn’t change our views as being so conservative then art itself would not have changed from being so conservative to becoming more free based off of many different ideas or concepts.
Future Goals:
For the near future I would like to keep considering and keep relating back to these readings to determine what I might consider to be a piece of art. Another goal is to challenge myself in determining how art will continue to change as time passes over and different ideas stay afloat.
Artifact 1: Social Media
Artifact 2: Life Values
Artifact 3: Personal Reflection
Artifact 4: Is Food Art?
Artifact 5: Remix Project
Artifact 6: Horror Films
Artifact 7: What is Art For?
Artifact 8: Creative Spirituality