Artifact 5: Remix Project
- Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.
- Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture”
- Examine their own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media
- Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity
Original Post
Remix, Art, Culture, Spirituality, Seeing, Paint, Music, Color, Surrounding, Creativity
This in my opinion was one of the better assignments and the reason why I chose to put it up. I liked this assignment because I had a fun time going through google and determining what fit best with the words that I had decided to use to describe creativity. This exercise helped me become more knowledgable and expand my horizon about what I actually consider to be creative or in the same subject as creativity. Through this collage I became aware of how copyright issues often hinder different creativity. Making this collage had me thinking if I was going over the line and if the collage was even my own creative thought and work.
The words that I chose for this assignment were, Remix, Art, Culture, Spirituality, Seeing, Paint, Music, Color, Surrounding, and Creativity. With these words, I feel as if I evaluated the meanings of real and fake and examined each one individually in their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity. When I began searching for these words I came to conclusion to looking up words that I believed defined what an artist was. This was a good assignment because I was able to put a description to each word and a visual image to help understand the deaper meaning behind each of the words.
Future Goals:
With all of this in mind, I wish to further educate myself in determining the authenticy of someone else work. Alot of what I notice in todays new age is that something like music is becoming to be repeated over and over again with just a couple of different tweaks between the original and the new one.
Artifact 1: Social Media
Artifact 2: Life Values
Artifact 3: Personal Reflection
Artifact 4: Is Food Art?
Artifact 5: Remix Project
Artifact 6: Horror Films
Artifact 7: What is Art For?
Artifact 8: Creative Spirituality