Artifact 2: Life Values
- Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philisophical endeavors
- Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual
- Explore one’s own value system
Original Post
5 Most Important Values
– Family
– Health
– Friendship
– Personal Development
– Loyalty
Yesterday was a day that dealt with two values that are both in the top 5 of my values, family and friendship. I spent a large portion of my day with my friends out at the lake. The values seen in this activity consisted of loyalty and enjoyment. I have known my friends for a long period of time and consistently hang out with them which explains the loyalty value that we share. The other value, enjoyment, is another value that we all share when we all hang out amonst eachother. We share lots of laughter when hanging around eachother which in turn leads to enjoyment values for each and every one of us.
Later during the day once I had gotten back from hanging out with my friens I went over to my parents house to catch up with them and eat some dinner. The first value developed out of this was obviously Family, the most important value to me and it is because of my parents that I value family so much. They gave me a great childhood and make it fun and entertaining to be around them and easy for me to value family so greatly. Two other values that I got out of this was personal development and health. Eating a home cooked meal from my dad is always the healthy choice of eating. The home cooked meal yesterday consisted of chicken and salad. Chicken provided the protein needed for a healthy diet and the salad provided greens for my health. The other value of personal development occured during this time because it was a chance for me to catch up with my parents about what I had been doing in life and was a chance for us to discuss various things about my life and how I might have been able to do something better or still could, and possibly be more succesful in the future.
The reasoning for posting this artifact is one, again, because of how stating what I value in my life gives viewers a good understanding of the type of person that I am and what it is that I believe to be important in my life. I posted this artifact because it familiarized me with the relationship of human values to psycological and philosophical endeavors. I was able to connect the values that I have in life with other values that people encounter in life. Throughout this response I realized that going through other peoples responses helped me gain an understanding that my top 5 along with many others had plenty in common.
In this artifact I was able to determine how internal and external drives influence each persons individual value choices. It made me realize and evaluate how much I might value each and every value listed in my personal life. Alot of the values in my top five have to do with the people that I surround myself with. To compare with other students on this particular assignment, many people, such as I, gave family and friends a top priority. This also helped me discover that other peoples values are also influenced by people surrounding them. This assignment helped me understand some of the internal and external drives towards someones values.
Future Goals:
Something that I would like to know in the future is to become more knowledgable in the area of learning more about different factors that might help influence other people’s values and how they continue on to hold the same values. I also would like to understand how a value that someone has might decrease in the amount of value that it holds over time for that particular person, whether it be a friend becoming an enemy or something else along those lines.
Table of Contents:
Artifact 1: Social Media
Artifact 2: Life Values
Artifact 3: Personal Reflection
Artifact 4: Is Food Art?
Artifact 5: Remix Project
Artifact 6: Horror Films
Artifact 7: What is Art For?
Artifact 8: Creative Spirituality