
This particular sound is one that is a music that is used in the background of a video. It can often add more dramatic effect to the particular scene that it might be playing towards, like in the beginning of the video when a vampire comes into play. They play the non-diegetic sound so that it makes the scene more dramatic and in this case helps the audience become more fearful of the vampire.


This form of sound is different compared to the non-diagetic sound because a diagetic sound is one that is an actual sound. It can be a sound of just anyone having a conversation or even the sound of traffic going in a movie. In the beginning of the film we hear this sound from the scene of which the actors are in a classroom and the only sound being heard is from the people in the classroom talking amongst each other. I believe that it contributed to the film because this particular scene came right after one of the first horror scenes. A scene like this that doesn’t have anything unexpectedly happen causes the crowd to calm down from a previous scene.


The example of a Mise-en-scene is one that has a variety of props, costumes, as well as different movements and camera angles. In the scene that I chose, viewers see the vampire who is obviously wearing tons of makeup to look as if he is a real vampire, and in the same scene we see the vampire holding a cup of blood which also looks as if was a prop used for the scene. This is not only a good scene to determine what Mise-en-scene is but also because of how many different camera angles were used throughout it, which helped set the mood for the audience and at the same time was able to set different emotions due to the camera either being up close and personal with the vampire or backed away from it.