5 Most Important Values

– Family

– Health

– Friendship

– Personal Development

– Loyalty

Yesterday was a day that dealt with two values that are both in the top 5 of my values, family and friendship. I spent a large portion of my day with my friends out at the lake. The values seen in this activity consisted of loyalty and enjoyment. I have known my friends for a long period of time and consistently hang out with them which explains the loyalty value that we share. The other value, enjoyment, is another value that we all share when we all hang out amonst eachother. We share lots of laughter when hanging around eachother which in turn leads to enjoyment values for each and every one of us.

Later during the day once I had gotten back from hanging out with my friens I went over to my parents house to catch up with them and eat some dinner. The first value developed out of this was obviously Family, the most important value to me and it is because of my parents that I value family so much. They gave me a great childhood and make it fun and entertaining to be around them and easy for me to value family so greatly. Two other values that I got out of this was personal development and health. Eating a home cooked meal from my dad is always the healthy choice of eating. The home cooked meal yesterday consisted of chicken and salad. Chicken provided the protein needed for a healthy diet and the salad provided greens for my health. The other value of personal development occured during this time because it was a chance for me to catch up with my parents about what I had been doing in life and was a chance for us to discuss various things about my life and how I might have been able to do something better or still could, and possibly be more succesful in the future.