For the people watching that I did for this assignment, I had been eating lunch at a nearby restaurant called Agate Alley. It wasn’t extremely packed but it was good enough for me to people watch.

The first person of mine of whom I was watching was the waiter that had been waiting on my table and I. From what I had seen, I was able to tell that he was a very hard working individual. I saw that his sleeves had been rolled up from running around a lot and also beats of sweat coming from his forehead. He was a very personal guy as he continued to make eye contact with everyone around the table and continually came back to our table to check up on us. He was dressed in all black, as was everyone else waiting tables there. I saw a lot of the same values and beliefs in him that I have myself. He seemed to be a clean-cut person with a personable attitude, who I was able to tell valued hard and perfected work. Some assumptions that I was making while observing him was that he seemed to be a younger guys, and since he had been working hard at what he was doing, I kind of assumed he was there so he was able to work his way through school. Being clean cut as he was and with a personable characteristic, I assumed that he was in a good emotional condition and didn’t seem as if anything could ruin his day.

Another person that caught my attention was a girl that was up sitting at the bar with what seemed to be her boyfriend. She had been dressed in a tank top and shorts. It looked as if though there was swimming gear underneath her top in which I made the assumption that they were out in the water before coming to agate alley. I assumed because of her age that she was rather floating the river than swimming in a pool based on knowledge that younger people I feel as if rather go floating down the river than swimming in a pool. I believe that her health conditions were perfectly normal because she had both been swimming and was also up at the bar ordering a drink. I also think that her emotional conditions were just as fine because of how she seemed to be in a good mood due to the guy that she had been with. There seemed to be a lot of smiles and laughter throughout their conversation.

The last person that I observed was a man sitting alone and what I assumed he was doing was working because of how he had been putting a lot of focus on his laptop and other various papers. He had been wearing a long sleeve button up which made me believe that he was either on lunch break from work or had just gotten off. A couple of values that I think I share with this guy are that I was able to tell that he valued his alone time. Observing that not only was he eating his meal alone with a beer, he also seemed to be content and more focused without any distractions. I think that he also beliefs in having a hard working attitude because there was only or two times that I saw him look up from the computer for something that was other than his meal.