For this week I read over the article titled, “A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives,” and my overall opinion of this reading was that it all kind of made sense to me. It was an eye-opening article of which I had never really taken the time to actually sit down and think about the term “Value,” and what it actually means and how it comes about in people’s decision-making.


One thing that I found myself agreeing with was the statement made saying, “Perhaps we are not driven by immutable instincts. But we might still be controlled by the influence of genes on our underlying personality or, alternatively, by peer pressure, by the relentless demands of the society in which we happen to live.” I would agree with this statement because I do believe that even though we are unable prove this statement, I as a prime example have seen myself doing these sorts of decision makings based off of being driven by those that surround me. I have seen myself multiple of times around my friends agreeing to do something that they are doing because I am driven by their decision-makings and often controlled by the influence of my genes. If my genes or my gut feeling is telling me to do something, then more often then not I am going to do it.


On a personal note relating to this article, it is in my opinion that I believe peoples values depend on their genes and the type of environment that they grew up on. For example, if a kid grows up with parents who truly believe that getting a college education is the only path and they push him to that path, then more likely then not that kid will end up going to college based on the values that his parents had plugged into him at a young age. Values is something that I believe is perhaps already built inside of someone’s genes, or something that they grow up around and given from the people around them.