Month: July 2014



This particular sound is one that is a music that is used in the background of a video. It can often add more dramatic effect to the particular scene that it might be playing towards, like in the beginning of the video when a vampire comes into play. They play the non-diegetic sound so that it makes the scene more dramatic and in this case helps the audience become more fearful of the vampire.


This form of sound is different compared to the non-diagetic sound because a diagetic sound is one that is an actual sound. It can be a sound of just anyone having a conversation or even the sound of traffic going in a movie. In the beginning of the film we hear this sound from the scene of which the actors are in a classroom and the only sound being heard is from the people in the classroom talking amongst each other. I believe that it contributed to the film because this particular scene came right after one of the first horror scenes. A scene like this that doesn’t have anything unexpectedly happen causes the crowd to calm down from a previous scene.


The example of a Mise-en-scene is one that has a variety of props, costumes, as well as different movements and camera angles. In the scene that I chose, viewers see the vampire who is obviously wearing tons of makeup to look as if he is a real vampire, and in the same scene we see the vampire holding a cup of blood which also looks as if was a prop used for the scene. This is not only a good scene to determine what Mise-en-scene is but also because of how many different camera angles were used throughout it, which helped set the mood for the audience and at the same time was able to set different emotions due to the camera either being up close and personal with the vampire or backed away from it.

People Watching

For the people watching that I did for this assignment, I had been eating lunch at a nearby restaurant called Agate Alley. It wasn’t extremely packed but it was good enough for me to people watch.

The first person of mine of whom I was watching was the waiter that had been waiting on my table and I. From what I had seen, I was able to tell that he was a very hard working individual. I saw that his sleeves had been rolled up from running around a lot and also beats of sweat coming from his forehead. He was a very personal guy as he continued to make eye contact with everyone around the table and continually came back to our table to check up on us. He was dressed in all black, as was everyone else waiting tables there. I saw a lot of the same values and beliefs in him that I have myself. He seemed to be a clean-cut person with a personable attitude, who I was able to tell valued hard and perfected work. Some assumptions that I was making while observing him was that he seemed to be a younger guys, and since he had been working hard at what he was doing, I kind of assumed he was there so he was able to work his way through school. Being clean cut as he was and with a personable characteristic, I assumed that he was in a good emotional condition and didn’t seem as if anything could ruin his day.

Another person that caught my attention was a girl that was up sitting at the bar with what seemed to be her boyfriend. She had been dressed in a tank top and shorts. It looked as if though there was swimming gear underneath her top in which I made the assumption that they were out in the water before coming to agate alley. I assumed because of her age that she was rather floating the river than swimming in a pool based on knowledge that younger people I feel as if rather go floating down the river than swimming in a pool. I believe that her health conditions were perfectly normal because she had both been swimming and was also up at the bar ordering a drink. I also think that her emotional conditions were just as fine because of how she seemed to be in a good mood due to the guy that she had been with. There seemed to be a lot of smiles and laughter throughout their conversation.

The last person that I observed was a man sitting alone and what I assumed he was doing was working because of how he had been putting a lot of focus on his laptop and other various papers. He had been wearing a long sleeve button up which made me believe that he was either on lunch break from work or had just gotten off. A couple of values that I think I share with this guy are that I was able to tell that he valued his alone time. Observing that not only was he eating his meal alone with a beer, he also seemed to be content and more focused without any distractions. I think that he also beliefs in having a hard working attitude because there was only or two times that I saw him look up from the computer for something that was other than his meal.

Is Food Art?

With my own personal opinion I would have to state that I believe that most food is art. The creation and the effort that the chef puts into his/her food is what makes it an art form. The creativity and the planning behind what the chef does is what make me consider it an art form. Relating back to last weeks article by Ellen Dissanayake, she refers to the term called, “making special.” This term along with the discussion of if food is a form of art go hand and hand. Creating a meal out of food can relate to the term making special because more often then not the cook making the meal is using his/her own creativity and in return, once the meal is made, he or she gets that joy in themselves from creating their own masterpiece. They get the joy out of making special because when people start getting their creative juices flowing it brings out another side of them then what they may be used too.


I believe though at the same time, not all food is the same and not all food should be considered art to a certain point. Two things to compare in this would be a gourmet meal at a higher inn restaurant such as a winery, and a meal made at McDonalds. There is a reason that the gourmet meal is going to be a lot more expensive than the one at McDonalds. First off because the food is going to be a lot better, but secondly, the gourmet meal is being made especially from the head chef of that restaurant and the gourmet meal is not something that is easily attainable. The more and more something is made from the quantity stand point, the more I believe it goes down in its value. Since there are thousands and thousands of cheeseburgers made from McDonalds every day, the value is going to go down compared to what the gourmet meal’s value is at.


It’s the same as an art painting. If there are a thousand of one painting, the value of that painting will be of much less than value then if there was just one of the same painting.

Life Values

5 Most Important Values

– Family

– Health

– Friendship

– Personal Development

– Loyalty

Yesterday was a day that dealt with two values that are both in the top 5 of my values, family and friendship. I spent a large portion of my day with my friends out at the lake. The values seen in this activity consisted of loyalty and enjoyment. I have known my friends for a long period of time and consistently hang out with them which explains the loyalty value that we share. The other value, enjoyment, is another value that we all share when we all hang out amonst eachother. We share lots of laughter when hanging around eachother which in turn leads to enjoyment values for each and every one of us.

Later during the day once I had gotten back from hanging out with my friens I went over to my parents house to catch up with them and eat some dinner. The first value developed out of this was obviously Family, the most important value to me and it is because of my parents that I value family so much. They gave me a great childhood and make it fun and entertaining to be around them and easy for me to value family so greatly. Two other values that I got out of this was personal development and health. Eating a home cooked meal from my dad is always the healthy choice of eating. The home cooked meal yesterday consisted of chicken and salad. Chicken provided the protein needed for a healthy diet and the salad provided greens for my health. The other value of personal development occured during this time because it was a chance for me to catch up with my parents about what I had been doing in life and was a chance for us to discuss various things about my life and how I might have been able to do something better or still could, and possibly be more succesful in the future.

What Is Art Essay Assignment

1. The term “Paleoanthropsychobiological,” is one that is used by the author Dissanayake throughout her article of “What is Art.” She uses this term in various ways to help describe art and what it is all about. She breaks the word down to three different ways, the first being that art is something that includes all of human history. After that she goes on to state that art also includes all of human societies while lastly she states that art is at times something that has psycological or emotional effects on humans as well as being a psychological or emotional need for people. This term is used by Dissanayake as a way to describe her point that art is something that must be viewed as a humanly trait from people.

2. Another term that the author refers to is the statement of, “Make Special,” as it is a term to describe that making something special that is out of the normal or unique way of something is a way to bring out as some describe the best of us. People creating something out of the ordinary or norms of what they may be used too brings out a different side of them and makes them feel like a newly brand new person. The creative juices that flow in humans after doing something out of the ordinary brings out alot of personal significance for people. It is more enjoyable to people because it is something new/different and something that they may have put alot of time and effort into. When someone makes something a little bit more special then their ordinary piece of art, they end up putting alot of time and effort into it rather than if it was something that they had been used too and was the same as before.

3. One of the first periods that the Author discusses is the Renaissance era during the 14th century. In this period we saw that one of the main focuses were on God and a variety of commodities but it actually turned out to be the period of which art back away from religion and spiritual beliefs. It was a time of which art started developing into recognizing what was going on around them and the more recognizable world. Another period that the author mentions is the Postmodernism period. This period described art as being something that can be percieved as almost anything that people put their minds too. Alot of the art during this period varied from culture to culture but alot of it was a reflection of what society at the time was dealing with such as different issues and what not. Lastly, another period that is reflected in the article is the modern art era. Alot of what the art consisted of during this period of time was way off from what was reality in society. It was a time of which art became not only very creative but also very complex. It was hard for people during this period to understand alot of what the art mean or the overal message of what the art was trying to get at.

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Unit 3

After reading the article “What Is Art For?” I came to realization that art is involved in our daily lives whether we recognize it or not. This is so because art can mean just about anything, according to this article. This article suggest that art is, “the idea of art encompasses all of human history… that it includes all human societies… and that it accounts for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects.” A personal example of how art can be seen throughout emotional effects through various daily activities is that I can take music for an example. Like most people I feel as if listening to music makes me feel an emotional effect whether it is an upbeat song or a sad heavy song, I usually tend to feel that emotional effect. Another example that comes to mind is a movie. Film is also seen as an art and similar with music, after seeing a great movie I will often either feel pumped up and determined or on the flipside feel shocked and have the feeling of disbelief.


The article also suggest that depending on not only the type of person you are talking too, but also perhaps the culture you are involved in, there are going to be a wide variety of opinions on what art actually may be considered to be. One thing that the author points out that I would have to agree with about art, is that, “…art must be viewed as an inherent universal trait of the human species, as normal as language, sex, sociability, aggression, or any of the other characteristics of human nature.” This helps explain that art can be explained as anything in the human species because art can consist of almost every humanly trait that humans hold.

Unit 1

In the blog post regarding Social Media Followers, it gives out advice for those who are on social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I found this blog interesting because it gives 10 ideas of how to keep gaining more and more social media followers. One of the big things that they recommend is to make sur eto follow those who are in your target area or target audience of which you want to focus on. In doing so, those that you are targeting will most likely be similar in taste with you so which in turn will want to follow you on social media as well.

A Question of Values

For this week I read over the article titled, “A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives,” and my overall opinion of this reading was that it all kind of made sense to me. It was an eye-opening article of which I had never really taken the time to actually sit down and think about the term “Value,” and what it actually means and how it comes about in people’s decision-making.


One thing that I found myself agreeing with was the statement made saying, “Perhaps we are not driven by immutable instincts. But we might still be controlled by the influence of genes on our underlying personality or, alternatively, by peer pressure, by the relentless demands of the society in which we happen to live.” I would agree with this statement because I do believe that even though we are unable prove this statement, I as a prime example have seen myself doing these sorts of decision makings based off of being driven by those that surround me. I have seen myself multiple of times around my friends agreeing to do something that they are doing because I am driven by their decision-makings and often controlled by the influence of my genes. If my genes or my gut feeling is telling me to do something, then more often then not I am going to do it.


On a personal note relating to this article, it is in my opinion that I believe peoples values depend on their genes and the type of environment that they grew up on. For example, if a kid grows up with parents who truly believe that getting a college education is the only path and they push him to that path, then more likely then not that kid will end up going to college based on the values that his parents had plugged into him at a young age. Values is something that I believe is perhaps already built inside of someone’s genes, or something that they grow up around and given from the people around them.

Social Media (First Blog Post)

In the blog post regarding Social Media Followers, it gives out advice for those who are on social media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I found this blog interesting because it gives 10 ideas of how to keep gaining more and more social media followers. One of the big things that they recommend is to make sur eto follow those who are in your target area or target audience of which you want to focus on. In doing so, those that you are targeting will most likely be similar in taste with you so which in turn will want to follow you on social media as well.

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