Link to article:

So, I decided to end these blog posts with a bang and do something I don’t think I’ve ever done before – voluntarily read Fox News.

Despite the source the article/page follows just about the same pattern as most multimedia pieces I have found. There is basically a formula. First, video/stills. Second, article. Aside from the photo essay blog, there is really only one article that has ventured outside of this formula. That would be the CNN World article about the table tennis player with no arms.

That piece elected to begin with stills, then move to the story, then finish it up with a video. In my observations of most multimedia stories, they generally follow the same, aforementioned, guideline. Unless there is a clear and precise reason to break that trend, it seems to not be recommended.

I will say, on a side note. One multimedia I came across was actually done by a professor of mine this term – Torsten Kjellstrand. This piece ( is beautiful. He uses fantastic stroytelling, mostly done by the people that live there. The only words he uses is in the article he writes. After that he let’s his video and still photography tell the story.