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This article is about the now infamous former-Clippers owner Donald Sterling.

This CBS Sports article may not be the epitome of the perfect MULTI-media article. It does have a visual, like most online articles, but there are two reasons I decided to use this article. The first reason is that this story involves both the sports world and the news world. What I mean by that is that current events have involved the actions of Sterling.

Second, it involves one piece that is different from other regular mutlimedia pieces. In this article, the writer/publisher embedded two tweets from Adrian Wojnarowski. This is relatively common in the sports-world of online articles. Not that it isn’t something that occurs with news-primary sources or articles, however, I find at least one sports-realted article a day that uses tweets to credit the reporting source. This basically becomes another way to credit someone, which I think is extremely effective. It 1) proves to the reader, first-hand, what the original reporter found out and 2) gives them the credit for the breaking story.

Again, the entire article is not a prime example of multimedia (i.e. involving video, etc.) but it does incorporate social media.