Hyperlink to article: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/world/asia/obama-sanctions-russia.html?hp&_r=0
Beside the fact the article being informative and well-written (it is the New York Times) the part that makes it a nice piece of multimedia has only little to do with actual multimedia. First, trying to define what actual multimedia is, is not an easy task.
What we call “multimedia” typically is in reference to video and still photography, accompanied by a written article. This makes sense because there is more the one form of media used to make this article. However, the diagram in the middle of the article titled, How Much Europe Depends On Russian Energy, is what makes it a great multimedia piece.
No, it’s not a video, but without the diagram the article is much less informative because it provides a new visual. Plus, for someone like myself who needs to see a diagram like this to really comprehend numbers such as these, it is extremely helpful.
Plus, the design behind it is clean, crisp, which makes it easy to read, use and look at.
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