Artifact 4: Adornment
- Analyze values relating to appearance and adornment
- Investigate why and how the physical appearance influences the identification.
Beauty is human nature, because people can get them by decorating their want. What attracts people is the way they like. Sanders states, “People use appearance to place each other into categories, which aid in the anticipation and interpretation of behavior, and to make decision about how beat to coordinate social activities.” (P.1) I agree with the idea because I believe that it is human nature to make judgment on a person based on the appearance and adornment. At the same time, I believe that they way you dress up your own shows your aesthetic. For example, if a person likes to wear clothes with bright color, probably she/he would notice the people who wearing the same color on the street.
While, I think in the modern society, people pay too many attentions on the adornment so ignore even more importance things, such as ethics and morality and so on. Moreover, you would become more and more strike on your appearance. Thus, the plastic surgery is generated and becoming popular in recent years. I believe that a perfect society has strong tolerance on the appearances. From my point of view, people have right to pursue the beauty of their understanding, but it may lead you to ignore the inside beauty if you overthinking the adornment all the time. Here is a video shows an experiment of what the stranger think about you. It explains that people are always unsatisfied with their appearance, according to the people in the video “You are better than who you think you are.”
In fact, I like adornments. I will spend time on choosing clothes and decorations, but the more important value for me is inside.