Artifact #6 Creative Spirituality


  • Become familiar with ways in which spirituality influences artists
  • Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
  • Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity

In the article “Art as Spiritual Practice” wirtten by Grey infer an idea that what people actually see is different from what actually look. In his articale, grey aruged that “there is a vast difference between looking and seeing – a difference which is fundamental to the artist experience”. This argument indicates that different people may have difference perspective when they are looking at one thing, and this is because of different culture background and personal experience. Even more, the author also states that “in order to experience art fully viewers must go through a mini ego death by placing themselves in the insired mind of the airtst, who themselves are out of their minds and only acting as channels of creative spirit”. This is sayting that if poeple want to finish some artwork, they should not only looking at something but they should have a deep unsertanding and analysis while observe. However, I think everyone have their own understanding and style to create idea to approach creativity. Because people have different experiences, and there should not be a fixed standard to measure whether a person’s creativity is good or not. But in general, deeper observation is still a good way to help people to improve their creativity.


I believe spirituality is a talent exsiting in everyone, it must therefore be a factor in creativity – as all values we hold, our personalities, modes of thought, and other factors also affect our creativity. An obvious example of how spirituality affects art would be how our values cause us to believe or subscribe to certain symbols, which, in turn, affect the art that we produce. For example, a strong belief in harmony might cause one to use some symbol which related to religion belief extensively in their art work. In this sense, spirituality is a wellspring of creativity and has a direct effect on the art that one produces.

Learning Goal in the future

I hope to continue exploring this topic be identifying my own spirituality and what my core values and beliefs are, how these values can be represented and how these may be reflected in my own artwork. I would further like to explore the line between religion and spirituality by meditating and determining whether the internalized values that I have are in line with any particular sets of religious beliefs and where the difference lies.


Grey, A. (2001). Art as Spiritual Practice. The Mission of Art (1st ed., pp. 205-233). Boston & London: Shambhala.

>Main Page<

>Artifact #1: Value<

>Artifact #2: What is Art?<

>Artifact #3: Is Food Art?<

>Artifact #4: The Art of Personal Adornment<

>Artifact #5: The Aesthetics of Horror<

>Artifact #7: Art, Technology, Game<

>Artifact #8: Art, Technology, and Games<

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