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Unit 7 Assessment

spirituality vs religion

The term “spirituality” looks difficult for me both in chinese and english for me, personally because I am a person who do not really have very strong sense of art. Hnoestly, I do not know how to answer this question correctly.
In my mind, spirituality is always linked with religion; however, after reading through lots of articles, I realized that they might be very different. Spirituality comes deep from whithin someone and it is actually found in every living creatures even though it may look different for each individuals. It is a way to make sense of the world or sociery arround me as well as understanding my own position or role played in the world. Simply, spirituality is a way for me to have my own understanding of myself.

On the side of religion, I think that religions are often the same for certain groups of people and those people look for guidance and understanding in religion and at church services. In spirituality, I think that guidance and understanding comes from within oneself and it is not necessary to gather amongst others to practice it; it is practiced at all times in life.


Creativity is the way how you think of an idea such as art and brainstorming. I think the main source of for creativity is your spirituality.I think spirituality is someone’s ability to find understanding with themselves so that they are able to have a strong sense of how the world look like. Same thing happens for creativity. I create a new idea or thought, one must have an open perspective. This open perspective can then lead to inspiration, and therefore creativity.