Archive of ‘Unit 9’ category

Remixing Culture 1st Post

According to the speech “Laws that chock creativity” presented by Larry, he indicated that the development and commercialization of telecommunications pointed out the problem called “Read-only culture”. The RO culture is “one where creativity is consumed but the consumer is not a creator.” Before internet has been created, the creation of culture was owned by those with proverbial vocal cords of “the mass silence”. After internet has been created, “its opprtunity to revive the read-write culture”. I strongly agree with this opinion, because it is the fact that many resouces are undering a commercial monopoly by some corporations before internet is created. During that time, people are perived of their crativity and it is not good for developing human culture. Once internet has been created, people are ablt to find more resources, which makes the new idea “remix”. However, I doubt whether these resources are qualified enought because as we all know, lots of information showing on the internet are junk and not valuable at all. People should be aware of the credibitly of online information.