Unit 5 Adornment 1st post
Since I have 3 midterm this week, I spent all my time in library during the weekend and this Monday and Tuesday. There are only few week left for the summer term, and everyone on campus seems extremely busy. Here is what I found by observing people around me.
The first person I observed in library was a female student sitting in front of computer and kept stretching her arms and body. Since it is almost the end of the summer term, I assume that she might feel really exhausted because there are so many tests and assignment needs to be due. Besides that, she was carrying a huge bag with lots of paper and textbooks thus I believe she might be really busy and had lots of review work to do.
The second person I observed was a Asian male student in a Korean food restaurant. He was wearing a hat, with little carrying staff (probably only a wallet and his cell phone) and dressed in a casual style shirts. Since I was really stressful during that time, I assume that he may not take any classes during the summer term or maybe just finished one or more exams, which allows himself to take a break from any tense schedules. Additionally, he looked pretty relaxed when he was talking to the owner of the restaurant in their native language.
The last person I observed was a old man in library. He was standing in from of the computer and check the Bb site for a long time. He was also carrying a huge school bag which looked huge and heavy for me. He was wearing a shirt which has lots of check patterns, but in dark and cold color. I assume that he might be a college student as well even though he looked old because he was checking the website and reading the books in front of the computer; sometimes he did take notes and his facial expression seemed really stressful and serious.
In general, during these 2 weeks, more and more students on campus are wearing relatively darker color clothe than usual. I think it is because of the stress of study. Once I have read an article about how the choice and sense of fashion (including color and style) reflect people’s emotion. It seems that people who are stressful are more likely to choose darker color UNCONSCIOUSLY.. Personally I have never thought about this point but this assignment reminded me this argument and I think it is interesting to point it out and share it with more people.
July 31, 2014 at 6:57 am (11 years ago)Nice job Lu! After reading your posts, I can image these three people in my mind. In other words, you have very meticulous and careful observation. I have very deep impression of the first people. I’m not in Eugene right now, but I remember most of the students are holding a cup of coffee or red bull and focusing on the screen. And I also agree with your idea, that more students are wearing darker colors shirts in midterm week, because they are stressful.