July 2014 archive
Since I have 3 midterm this week, I spent all my time in library during the weekend and this Monday and Tuesday. There are only few week left for the summer term, and everyone on campus seems extremely busy. Here is what I found by observing people around me.
The first person I observed in library was a female student sitting in front of computer and kept stretching her arms and body. Since it is almost the end of the summer term, I assume that she might feel really exhausted because there are so many tests and assignment needs to be due. Besides that, she was carrying a huge bag with lots of paper and textbooks thus I believe she might be really busy and had lots of review work to do.
The second person I observed was a Asian male student in a Korean food restaurant. He was wearing a hat, with little carrying staff (probably only a wallet and his cell phone) and dressed in a casual style shirts. Since I was really stressful during that time, I assume that he may not take any classes during the summer term or maybe just finished one or more exams, which allows himself to take a break from any tense schedules. Additionally, he looked pretty relaxed when he was talking to the owner of the restaurant in their native language.
The last person I observed was a old man in library. He was standing in from of the computer and check the Bb site for a long time. He was also carrying a huge school bag which looked huge and heavy for me. He was wearing a shirt which has lots of check patterns, but in dark and cold color. I assume that he might be a college student as well even though he looked old because he was checking the website and reading the books in front of the computer; sometimes he did take notes and his facial expression seemed really stressful and serious.
In general, during these 2 weeks, more and more students on campus are wearing relatively darker color clothe than usual. I think it is because of the stress of study. Once I have read an article about how the choice and sense of fashion (including color and style) reflect people’s emotion. It seems that people who are stressful are more likely to choose darker color UNCONSCIOUSLY.. Personally I have never thought about this point but this assignment reminded me this argument and I think it is interesting to point it out and share it with more people.
In the country where I come from, China, people has a really strong sense of understand about food because we believe that food is one type of symbol of culture which reveals the change of history and human wisdom. For example, about 50 years ago, China was recovering from the destruction of the war that people were suffering from food shortage and natural disaster. In order to survive, Chinese people was trying to eat EVERYTHING including something that western people could never imagine and trying to make them delicious. This is one of the main cause why Chinese cuisine are well-known because its flavor and diversity. However, does that mean the food can be counted as form of Art?
According to Dissanayake, the idea of art is consist of 3 concept: human history, all human society and psychological or emotional need which as psychological or emotional effect. In the meantime, Tefler also claim in the article that food is “often arranged or decorated in creative and attractive was which constitute a visual work of art”. As I mentioned above, food or cuisine often has strong relationship with human history, which will affect the framework of the society and people lifestyle. By the definition of art given by Dissanayake, food has already satisfied the first 2 concept of the idea of art; however, I believe the third concept along with Telfer’s argument should be the key point of defining whether food belongs to one form of art. Tefler mentions that when people are making dishes or food, they are prefer to make it creatively like putting some decoration on the cake on around the dish. The purpose of doing that is to enhance appetite and enjoyment, which can be understood as creating “psychological or emotional effect”. For example, spicy food are usually made in red or use red containers. By doing so, it is not only just because of the color of chili but also give people a sense that the food itself might be spicy, but also provides a visual impact which may stimulate people’s appetite. On the other side, some restaurants will offer some small dishes which contains lot of vinegar to stimulate people’s appetite or offer some light-flavor food after you eat some strong-flavor dishes such as beef steak. More typical example can be cakes. People usually eat cakes during the celebration which is considered to be happy and memorable. Thus many cakes are decorated with color and has really strong taste of sweetness because the flavor sweet will enhance the sense of happiness by stimulating the enzymes made by pituitary gland.
In conclusion, personally I strongly believe that food should be counted as forms of art.
Paleoanthrosychobiological is a term coined by the author Dissanayake which is used to describe her view of art. This term infers that the art has a close relationship with human history, psychology and cultures. She also indicates that art is an universal need for all humans “just as normal and natural as language, sex, sociability, aggression, or any of the other characteristics of human nature”. Besides, art reflects the phenomenon of human society along with human’s emotional needs which might cause certain influence on human behavior.
In Dissanayake’s article, “making special” describes one human’s behavior in order to make things “[care] deeply about or activities whose outcome has strong personal significance”. This term also relates to what is called “species-centered”, mentioned by Dissanayake. Based on the view of modernism, art is more about the value of human with personal experience. Oh the other hand, postmodernism believes that art belongs to everyone individually and independently. Both claims refer that art as a kind of natural human behavior, but we need to make this kind of behavior special. For example, human can use language to communicate, make and use tool for the purpose to survive and enhance the quality of life and satisfaction, which is totally different from animals.
First theory – Greek and medieval period
– Normal people’s view of art are different from artists. Art was mostly used to serve religion. Dissanayake also indicated that during that period of time, art means “having a correct understanding of the principles involved”
Second theory – modernism (18-19 century)
– ideology
– It refers art as “aesthetics” which indicates principles such as “tastes and beauty that govern all the arts and indeed make them not simply painting or status, but examples of fine art”. Rather than religion, art is more related to personal experiences and supreme value of human nature comparing with first theory above
Third theory – postmodernism (20th century)
– interpretation
– This theory indicates that art can be the intrinsic for every individuals and can be seen anywhere in our daily life. It also indicates that artiests are also normal people and without any priority or privilege when viewing objects.
The first thing I did after I woke up this morning was to check email from my mother because she had something for me to buy in United States and brought them back home in China. After checking these emails and messages, I changed my clothe and came to school to study because I have 2 midterms text week and many homework assignment needs to be finished by Sunday, and I promised my friend that I would come to school to study together with her so I came 5 min earlier in case there was room available in library. Since I am only a college students, my life currently is all about family, friends and health, and these are the only things I care about. My personality is extremely close to my mother, who is really family-focused, and really loyal to her friends. Because of our family, she gave up her job and chose to become a housewife so that she did not have many opportunity to build her personal interests. I do love my family and I think I am pretty loyal to my friends; but I prefer to focus on personal development because I believe that best way to discover your potential is to challenge yourself to try different kinds of things. I am not a personal who will be satisfied by staying in a constant status or doing the same work for a life-long time, thus I put personal development at the second position just after the family as my value.
Firstly, I found it is very interesting to do the value assessment test and actually I spent really long time on it because I have to think what is most important to me. I believe that I made these choices because these are the values that I truly want to have and be known for. However, achieving this value is not a easy job for me to do; other than family, health, and friendship (because these things are really daily-life base and personal), personal development is relatively challenging for me to do. Firstly, I am easy to compromise. Once I fail, probably I will just stop and give up. Secondly, I am easy to be half-hearted. At the beginning, I might be really ambitious to do something but after 3 days, I might start losing these motivation. In order to achieve my goal, I do need to think about how to overcome these weakness which are rooted in my blood.
Learning goal in the future
Everything might be changed, and I believe the value should not be counted as an exception. I believe that even in the next couple of years that mine will change once I leave college and start working. But no matter how everything else are changing, family will always be the top of my value.
Lewis, H. A question of values: Six ways we make the personal choices that shape our lives. Retrieved from http://aaablogs.uoregon.edu/aad250-shuette/files/2010/09/20120717_A-Question-of-Values-CH1-2.pdf
Respond to: A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.
Author: Lewis, H. (1990)
The whole article generally discussed the definition of what value is and several ways of how people defining their belief and values.
First of all, I strongly agree that Lewis has inferred in his article saying that”…without values human behavior [instinct] would be directionless, chaotic and ultimately self-destructive”. The value of a human is not developed upon instinct; it relies more on your living environment including who you are living with, what kind of things you have experienced, and what kind of conclusion and lesson you have made through these events and people you meet. However, these kind of value, or conclusion (if you like to call it), you made is totally subjective. It will change people’s thought and way of thinking; most importantly, it may change people’s habits which probably has the direct relationship to human instinct. For example, like Lewis mentioned in his article, that once people has a religion, lots of things might change. There is a famous sayings claims that everyone is born with an innocent heart and spirit equally. Personally, I think it is not indicating that everyone is born as a good human, but like a white paper so that you can write everyone it after you start building your own life. Thus, we may make a conclusion that the true human instinct is just a “blank page”; so that you can write and create your value depending on how you are living in this world.
However, does human value really ALWAYS helps human civilization? It is necessary because most of people build their value UNCONSIOUSLY and you even don’t know what kind of value you have built for yourself (just like me). Furthermore, like I just mentioned above, these values are really subjective; there is a fixed standard saying what kind of value is right and wrong. For example, during the WW2, German believed that Hitler was a great leader with amazing human value that can save (rule) the world. The fact is, Hitler was a good leader ONLY by definition: he was able to model the way, share his version, encourage people’s heart and enable others to act. However, the consequence is, now he becomes one of the most infamous sinner among human modern history. Sometimes different value among different people may cause troubles like Lewis says in the first part of article. But things can be either small or big; most important thing is that we should always be aware of discovering the human value from anyone around and learning them to “upgrade” yourself in order to reach the perfection (if it’s possible)
Response to: B2B Inbound Marketing Study: Cloud company sees 76% increase in conversions
Since the Cloud technology has created a brand-new generation for internet communication, many business tend to explore different kinds of opportunities which is related to Could and big data in many different area such as marketing and operation management.
The reason why I choose this article to response is because it reminds me of 2 decision science course which I am taking for this summer term. The content of these two courses has been dramatically changed because of the popularization of Cloud technology and big data technology. Companies are tending to save their backup of data on cloud server because they believe it can help them to save money from buying expensive hardware storage. For those who provide these kind of services, it’s a really creative opportunity to make profit because the fix cost of running and managing the server us further less than building a building or your own shop. On the side of big data, it is more widely used in marketing to analyze the customer needs and the demand of the whole industry. It is also used to analyze your competitors. It becomes more and more critical and essential for almost every business in many different industry. The creation of these technologies has totally changed the way of how company run and manage their businesses. Personal, I am pretty positive about the effectiveness of these technologies.
Just Testing