Design Charrette

Design Charrette Photography

July 29th, 2017 Schedule

  • 10:00-11:00 – Introductions and presentations
  • 11:00-Noon – Walking tour
  • Noon-12:45 – Lunch and drone photography [approved by McMinnville Airport Tower]
  • 12:45-1:00 – Charrette team formation
  • 1:00-1:45 – Principles, concepts, themes, design
  • 1:45-2:15 – Team summaries
  • 2:15-3:00 – Refinement: key implementation actions
  • 3:00-3:15 – Break, prioritization
  • 3:15-4:00 – Final proposals and recommendations
  • 4:00-4:30 – Team conclusions
  • 4:30-4:45 – Next steps


  1. Erica Anderson
  2. William Anderson
  3. Jeb Bludin
  4. Jake Boone
  5. Sasha Burrows
  6. Jody Christensen
  7. Colton Clark
  8. Steve Down
  9. Richard Dredge
  10. Savannah Edson
  11. Shahab Emrani
  12. Keith Ettestad
  13. Willene Ettestad
  14. Gioia Goodrum
  15. Naomi Greenwald
  16. Cindy Heubig
  17. Scott Heubig
  18. Scott Heubig
  19. Hunter Hollander
  20. Robert Holloway
  21. Lindsay Jacobson
  22. Caralee Johnston
  23. Kit Johnston
  24. Susan Knight
  25. Roger Lizut
  26. Barbara Mann
  27. Kelly McDonald
  28. Kathleen McKinney
  29. Taylor McLean
  30. Kellie Menke
  31. Emily Nguyen
  32. John Ogleblyn
  33. Sharon Ogleblyn
  34. Bryan Oller
  35. Phyllis Oller
  36. Kyra Ortiz
  37. Paul Peterson
  38. Roger Ray
  39. Heather Richards
  40. Mons Roll
  41. Donna Roodhouse
  42. Lori Schanche
  43. Mindy Schlitt
  44. Pat Smith
  45. Rich Stafford
  46. June Stephens
  47. Ric Stephens
  48. Michael Strahs
  49. Will Talbot
  50. Michael Walker
  51. Qi Wang
  52. Xiaoyu Wang
  53. Nathan Watkins-Hogland
  54. Kurt Wiley
  55. Haoyi Yuan
  56. Shifan Zhao

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum Aerial Photography

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Evergreen Manikin Challenge