Design Charrette Photography
July 29th, 2017 Schedule
- 10:00-11:00 – Introductions and presentations
- 11:00-Noon – Walking tour
- Noon-12:45 – Lunch and drone photography [approved by McMinnville Airport Tower]
- 12:45-1:00 – Charrette team formation
- 1:00-1:45 – Principles, concepts, themes, design
- 1:45-2:15 – Team summaries
- 2:15-3:00 – Refinement: key implementation actions
- 3:00-3:15 – Break, prioritization
- 3:15-4:00 – Final proposals and recommendations
- 4:00-4:30 – Team conclusions
- 4:30-4:45 – Next steps
- Erica Anderson
- William Anderson
- Jeb Bludin
- Jake Boone
- Sasha Burrows
- Jody Christensen
- Colton Clark
- Steve Down
- Richard Dredge
- Savannah Edson
- Shahab Emrani
- Keith Ettestad
- Willene Ettestad
- Gioia Goodrum
- Naomi Greenwald
- Cindy Heubig
- Scott Heubig
- Scott Heubig
- Hunter Hollander
- Robert Holloway
- Lindsay Jacobson
- Caralee Johnston
- Kit Johnston
- Susan Knight
- Roger Lizut
- Barbara Mann
- Kelly McDonald
- Kathleen McKinney
- Taylor McLean
- Kellie Menke
- Emily Nguyen
- John Ogleblyn
- Sharon Ogleblyn
- Bryan Oller
- Phyllis Oller
- Kyra Ortiz
- Paul Peterson
- Roger Ray
- Heather Richards
- Mons Roll
- Donna Roodhouse
- Lori Schanche
- Mindy Schlitt
- Pat Smith
- Rich Stafford
- June Stephens
- Ric Stephens
- Michael Strahs
- Will Talbot
- Michael Walker
- Qi Wang
- Xiaoyu Wang
- Nathan Watkins-Hogland
- Kurt Wiley
- Haoyi Yuan
- Shifan Zhao
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum Aerial Photography
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Evergreen Manikin Challenge