The Society for Ethnomusicology’s Northwest Chapter will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, Feb 22 at the University of Oregon’s main campus in Eugene, OR.  Formal paper, performance and instructional workshops, roundtable proposals are welcome. Feel free to reach out if you have ideas for alternative formats. There is no theme for this year’s conference, but presenters are encouraged to present their most current research on any contemporary topic in ethnomusicology.

Papers will be given twenty minutes, with ten minutes allotted for questions and discussion afterwards. Proposals and abstracts should be approximately 250 words and included both in the text of the email and attached as a file. Appropriate file formats include Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx) and Rich Text Format (.rtf). Include your full name and institutional affiliation. Submissions should be received no later than Jan 10, 2025; applicants will all be notified of acceptance no later than January 17.  Please send your abstract to ewolf2[at] with “SEM NW 2025” in the subject line.