Perception of Male Hierarchy

In present day times it is politically and socially incorrect to bash on a person sololey due to their gender. Even though social problems still occur, I believe that they are definatly not as accepted by the population due to an increase in education within the subject. However, Ovid illustrates an educational source of literature that can aid with our current societies awareness of the issues that arise from having specific roles in which certain genders play. I am fully aware that there still needs to be much work done to our present community in order to reach a perfect society however, I do notice a strong correlation between the evolution of time and social injustices being justified. For Example, In 1973 Maryland became the first state to ban same sex marriage which was shortly followed by the rest of the states. Even though this was illegal for some time, over the course of many years our society became aware of the inegualilty it was putting on the gay community and in 2015 same sex marriage was legalized within all fifty states of the U.S.A. This is something that was yes, controversial but also widely viewed within our community as socially harmless and acceptable. For more resources on this example of societies progress here is a link, [embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]

Ovid’s Early Depiction

The world in which first century Rome was held had faint similaritties and many differences regarding gender roles and the portrayl of their personal reality. Ovid does an exceptional job at recreating those of the first centuries peceptions and translating them into works of art.    With the heavy reocurring theme of gender roles and gender imbalances, it is apparent that Ovid wants his readers to grasp this moral. See it how you will, I firmly believe the picture that the metamorphoises creates is one that uses obvious gender inegualities to urge readers to question present society and it’s own norms. Ovid has many examples of this theme that surface throughout the story that give as constant reminder to check in with the theme. For example with this quote, “I’ll make you pay, by destroying those lovely looks which allow you to fancy yourself and attract my husband, you shameless hussy!” the writer is gaureenting that there are shortcoming communication present within their civilization. 


My name is Grant Chelf and I am an Advertising Major at the University of Oregon. I was Born and raised in San Diego, California and moving up to Oregon has been one of the most enlightening experiences of my life thus far. I love being outdoors and doing hiking throughout Eugene when I’m not in the library. Comparative literature is something that intrigues me due to it’s ability to make you think. I Hope you enjoy my blog on the transition of gender roles.

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