ATTN: Student employment opportunity with the TIPS EdTech Research Project!
Multiple-choice Online Cloze Comprehension Assessment (MOCCA): Refining and Validating a Measure of Individual Differences in Reading Comprehension Processes During Reading
Project MOCCA (Multiple-choice Online Casual Comprehension Assessment) is a measurement study targeting the assessment of reading comprehension processes of intermediate grade students. The aim of MOCCA is to provide multiple grade-level forms of a diagnostic reading comprehension assessment used to identify types of struggling comprehenders for Grades 3-5 that will be useful in research and practice. MOCCA gives teachers information that allows teachers to tailor instruction to their students’ needs.
Research Assistance: Project MOCCA is looking for research assistants to help with administering assessments and conducting think alouds with local school children and to help with transcription and coding of think alouds.
Research Website:
Informational Video:
Contact: Sarah Carlson (
Recently-Arrived English Learners: State Collaborative Research Project
The purpose of this research collaborative is to begin to map out the terrain of who recently-arrived English learner students are, what their educational needs are, and what promising school, district, and state level policies and practices support them.
Research Assistance: I am currently looking for students who are interested in providing research assistance on this project for research credits. In the near future this work would include interview transcribing.
Contact: Ilana Umansky (
Examining the Language Input of Toddlers from Mexican Immigrant Backgrounds
The goal of this project is to better understand the language environment of the homes of toddler-aged children from Mexican immigrant backgrounds. Children from Mexican homes represent the largest proportion of young Latino children in the US. Understanding the factors that influence their early Spanish-English dual language development is critical to supporting their future academic success. This project is being conducted by the newly established Early Dual Language Development Laboratory, which uses naturalistic language sampling in children’s homes to measure the input children are provided.
Research assistance: The Early Dual Language Development Laboratory is looking for students who are Spanish proficient in order to transcribe and code language samples. Research credits can be provided in exchange for a minimum of 3 hours per week of research assistance. Opportunities for paid positions may be available with future projects.
Contact: Lauren Cycyk (
Bilingual Oral Language Development among Young Spanish-Speaking Children
The goal of this project is to investigate the bilingual oral language development of Spanish-speaking children enrolled in first and second grade classrooms in four local elementary schools. To that end, I am conducting storytelling and vocabulary assessments with individual children in both Spanish and English, and analyzing the results quantitatively and qualitatively.
Research assistance: I am looking for students who are proficient in both languages to conduct assessments with children in schools. Research assistants will need to attend at least one hour long training session in March and be available between the hours of 9-2 at least 5 hours/week in April and May. In addition, students will need to complete CITI training and provide their own transportation to local schools. Students can be paid or receive course credit for research assistance.
Contact: Audrey Lucero (alucero