Publications and Presentations

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Fritz, R., & Harn, B. (2017). Poster – How Much is Enough? Observing Small Group Interventions to Improve Outcomes

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Harn, B., Damico, D. P., & Stoolmiller, M. (2017). Examining the variation of fidelity across an intervention: Implications for measuring student learning. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth

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Harn, B., Presentation – Implementation: Making the most out of our intervention efforts?

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Lucero, A., & Uchikoshi, Y., Presentation – Narrative assessment with 1st grade Spanish-English emergent bilinguals: Spontaneous vs retell conditions.

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Lucero , A. (2016). Presentation – Oral narrative performance among kindergarten, first & second grade heritage Spanish-speaking bilingual children.

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Language Learning

Lucero, A. (2015). Cross-linguistic lexical, grammatical, and discourse performance on oral narrative retells among young Spanish speakers. Child Development, 86(5), 1419-1433. 

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Lucero (2016). Oral narrative retelling among emergent bilinguals in a dual language immersion program. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

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