
Week One

Tuesday we completed the tentative work plan and finalized our standards and ideas for each lesson plan. Then we started on lesson plan one. We are looking forward to where the rest of this project is going to take us!

Thursday we finished lesson plan one and the Scratch element that goes with it. We also finished the fact sheet that goes along with lesson one. We also started a checklist of things that each student’s own Scratch project will have by the end of the five lessons.

Week Two

We are continuing on with working on our lesson plans. Tuesday we completed lesson plan two and the Scratch component that goes with it.

Thursday we completed lesson plan three and four and the Scratch components that goes with it. We set a date (Wednesday of next week) to film our video and have begun to brainstorm some ideas for it!

Week Three

Tuesday we finished lesson plan five and the Scratch element that goes with it. McKenzie, Lauren, and Becca worked on the lesson plan and Scratch project. Becca also worked on a sample Scratch project that we are going to include on our website. Colleen and Jordan played around with the website and figured out how to add a menu and additional pages. Colleen added bios about all the group members that they wrote and sent to her and included photos of each member with their bio. Colleen and Jordan also started to form the mission statement for the group.

Thursday we met outside of the classroom and filmed our whole video and took matching head shots! We are excited to upload the head shots to our website and see how they look all together. McKenzie is planning to edit the video in the next couple of days. The video consisted of us explaining the mission of our website and lesson plans. We used a small chalk board to illustrate parts of our mission statement too. Now, we have all five lesson plans done, have a good start on the website, and the video is filmed.

Week Four

Wow we did a lot on Tuesday! We finalized all of the lesson plans and uploaded them all to our website along with the corresponding documents (rubric and president information sheet) and Scratch projects. We also all started (and some finished) our example Scratch projects and uploaded our weekly updates to the website. We are feeling pretty good about having everything complete within the next couple days!

Thursday we screen recored our website for the video. McKenzie is going to add it into the video later today and then Colleen will upload it to the website by the end of the day. We changed the theme of our website and put some finishing touches on our individual elements. We also added our logo to the bottom of each page on our website! We are looking forward to sharing our final product next week!

Later Thursday evening McKenzie sent Colleen the video and she uploaded it to YouTube and then the website. Colleen also figured out how to code the website so that the YouTube video would be centered on the webpage.

Week Five

We are so excited to share our work with everyone next class! Today we took some time to reflect on everything we have accomplished over the past five weeks. We also added another extension activity to lesson plan five that involves students utilizing the if… then controls and operations on Scratch. In the example we created today, we used the if… then controls and operations to create a timer for the quiz question at the end of the Scratch project.