Remix Discussion
In the beginning of the video, “Laws That Choke Creativity” by Lawrence Lessig from TED talk, he started by talking about the chicken farmers and the flight “trespassing” the properties of farmers. With this story, he started talking about read-write culture, which everyone participate in creation of culture, and read-only culture, which there is separation between consumers and creators of cultures. Read-only preserved until before the outbreak of the internet. After the internet, everyone became a creator of culture through the internet including using others’ work to create new things. Using others might cause the act of piracy and breaking copyright laws and even the intellectual property law in a broader sense. Lawrence is one that is against the piracy but he wants the laws to be more sensible. I think this is a controversial issue. Being sensible is not an easy work to be done. There is someone who literally wants to create new things based on others, but also there is someone who steals others and makes money off from those work.