The Objectives
Course Objectives(Portfolio):
• Consider culturally based versus universally based theories of art.
• Examine the political, regional, economic, technological, religious, ethnic, gender, and generational influences that shape conceptions of art.
• Consider gender, race, and ethnicity in relation to representation in art.
• Examine contemporary and historical cross-cultural examples of art.
Artifact #1 Objectives (The Nature of Human Values):
• Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philosophical endeavors
• Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual
• Explore one’s own value system
Artifact #2 Objectives(What is Art For?):
• Consider the origins of art
• Explore a brief history of Western Art
• Examine multiple perspectives for evaluating art
Artifact #3 Objectives(Is Food Art?):
• Examine methods for evaluating qualities of art, such as product versus process, the difference between craft and fine art, must art be archival, and what is an aesthetic reaction.
• Explore the notion of food as an art-form.
• Consider cultural differences in the production and consumption food.
Artifact #4 Objectives(The aesthetics of Horror):
• Explore the psychological and emotional curiosity for and impact of horror art on individuals and society
• Analyze the unique aesthetic qualities of horror art.
• Understand and utilize some basic principles of film and television analysis.
Artifact #5 Objectives(Creative Spirituality):
• Become familiar with was in which spirituality influences artists
• Discuss the differences between spirituality and religion
• Examine spirituality as a generative force and a well spring for creativity
Artifact #6 Objectives(Art, Technology, and Games):
• Learn about the history of computer graphics
• Examine the role of technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change
• Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines
Artifact #7 Objectives(Remixing Culture):
• Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.
• Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”
• Examine their own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.
• Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity
Artifact #8 Objectives(Censorship and Public Art):
• Learn about the First Amendment to the Constitution and US obscenity law
• Examine historical and current incidents of Censorship in the US and their relationship to public funding for the Arts
• Learn about the National Endowment for the Arts
• Explore the relationship of cultural values to free speech and tolerance
Next Page: The Nature of Human Values