Sarah Wyer e/Portfolio

arts administration | museum studies | folklore

Category: AAD610_f15 (page 1 of 2)

AAD 610 // Reflection on Learning Goals

  1. I would like to learn more about typography and choosing the right fonts for projects/designs/papers.
  2. I would like to be comfortable with Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop.
  3. Have a large collection of resources to help me overcome hurdles in design and marketing.
  4. Be proud of the re-branding assignment I complete and submit. I don’t like turning in shoddy work and hope to produce something I can be proud of despite my limited experience with design and marketing.
  5. Feel like I have grown as a designer and have more confidence in my skills.


I feel that I met most of my learning goals this term. I learned a lot about typography and extending my interest into many in-depth font searches. I found lots of great fonts to use, and I learned a lot about what looks good and how to use script fonts with minimalism in mind. I am happy with the vast, cavernous collection of fonts I have amassed, and feel comfortable discussing fonts and font choice with people. I have also taken this knowledge and created a small logo for the student group I facilitate!

I am definitely more comfortable with Adobe, but still far from feeling fluent in design software. Illustrator was especially scary for me and I feel like I overcame my trepidation through this class. I would still like to learn more about InDesign.

I have gathered a lot of resources for further research and skill development.

Looking back at my rebranding assignment, I do feel proud of my designs. I think I captured the character of the JSMA (the institution I re-branded) and kept consistent design focus on minimalism throughout my collateral. As I mentioned earlier, I even created a logo for the JSMA student group using similar fonts and design elements.

I absolutely feel like I have grown as a designer. I am no longer afraid of trusting my design instinct and I feel like I can create basic designs and posters when needed.

AAD 610 // Graphic Standards

Graphic Standards for rebranding the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


AAD 610 // Case Study Assignment

Case Study Assignment for The Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art:

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

AAD 610 // Personal Learning Environment



PLE visual above, PLE narrative below. For a larger, more zoom zoom PDF of my PLE, try: AAD 610 PLE

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”google”]

AAD 610 // Poster & Display Ad Collateral, Final Draft






AAD 610 Collateral Poster

My effort with this poster was to stick to the more modern, minimalism effect I’ve been going for with re-branding the JSMA. I wanted to use white space for dramatic effect and play with a more scripty font as well as using Mortison Personal, the main re-branding font I settled on. I also wanted to play with layout in this poster; the eye is drawn to the heavier graphic presence at the bottom of the poster, but naturally we read from the top down, so the viewer will be forced to pause and take a moment to actually absorb everything that the poster days. I also didn’t want the poster to be so busy that it was difficult to gauge from a distance.

Display Ad

AAD 610 JSMA Display Ad

I followed the Eugene Daily Emerald’s specifications of a 1/4 page ad at 9.75″ x 3.25″. The display ad also uses white space liberally, taking the aesthetic cues from the event poster and compacting them. I made the logo a little more prominent, added a website, and changed the date format and font to something sleeker.

AAD 610 // Poster Draft

Poster for skill development workshop. Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 6.12.29 PM

AAD 610 // Re-Branding Collateral

My first draft of collateral materials for my re-branding of JSMA.

Branding Identity Mock Up for JSMA

Branding Identity Mock Up for JSMA

Canvas Tote Bag MockUp

AAD 610 // Logo Draft #2


AAD 610 // Logo Drafts

Logo Designs for JSMA, Drafts round 1.

JSMA Logo 1


JSMA Logo 2

JSMA Logo 3

JSMA Logo 3

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