The Berggren Watershed Conservation Area is a site containing a network of tributaries in the lower McKenzie watershed which traverse intact floodplain forests that have been historically removed from the WiIlamette Valley. Berggren Watershed Conservation Area was acquired in July 2010. It was purchased by the McKenzie River Trust with the support of the Eugene Water and Electric Board and the Bonneville power. However, the restoration at the Berggren property only began in 2011, starting with removal of invasive species. The BWCA hosts two species listed under the endangered species act: the Oregon chub and the Spring Upper Willamette Chinook salmon, as well as several sensitive species like the northern red-legged frog, western pond turtle, and yellow-breasted chat. Additionally, these riparian enhancements will encourage healthy hydraulic connectivity between the McKenzie River and the nearby demonstration farm.
Treatment Details
Site Preparation:
Site preparation involved the clearing of existing vegetative ground cover which was predominately invasive species. Areas accessible to mechanical equipment were mowed, less accessible areas and along waterways were cleared by hand. Additionally, herbicide treatment of aquatic label glyphosate/L700 surfactant was applied.
Native grass seed mix was seeded over fifteen acres, no grass seed was applied along stream channels due to existing native vegetation. Success of this planting project required 1.5-2 acres of grassland to be established Over 2,000 stems per acre were planted in mechanically cleared areas, while 1,000 stems per acre were planted in hand cleared areas. Plant species were carefully selected for water tolerance, shade tolerance, and natual hydrologic zone of growth. Plant materials used were a mixture of hardwood cuttings and bare root stock, all consisting of native shrub and tree species. Approximately 5 percent of the plantings were equipped with herbivore browse control materials.
Treatment plantings consisted of the following species:
- Abies grandis (Grand Fir)
- Acer circinatum (Vine Maple)
- Acer macrophyllum (Bigleaf Maple)
- Alnus Rhombifolia (White Alder)
- Alnus rubra (Red Alder)
- Amelanchier alnifolia (Serviceberry)
- Calocedrus decurrens (Incense cedar)
- Cornus sericea (Red Osier Dogwood)
- Fraxinus latifolia (Oregon Ash)
- Holodiscus discolor (Oceanspray)
- Lonicera involucrata (Twinberry)
- Mahonia aquifolium (Tall Oregon Grape)
- Oemleria cerasiformis (Indian Plum)
- Philadelphus lewisii (Mock Orange)
- Physocarpus capitatus (Ninebark)
- Pinus ponderosa (W.v.) (W. Valley Ponderosa Pine)
- Populus trichocarpa (Black Cottonwood)
- Ribes sanguineum (Red flowering currant)
- Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose)
- Rosa pisocarpa (Swamp Rose)
- Rubus parviflorus (Thimbleberry)
- Salix lasiandra (Pacific Willow)
- Salix scouleriana (Scouler Willow)
- Salix sitchensis (Sitka Willow)
- Sambucus racemosa (Red Elderberry)
- Spiraea douglasii (Spiraea)
- Symphoriocarpus albus (Snowberry)
- Thuja plicata (Western Red Cedar)
Why were the plantings necessary?
Establishment of these planting is necessary for increasing plant diversity as well as increasing the width of riparian buffer and total project area by a minimum of 50%.
Native vegetation stem density is projected to be 1,600 stems per acre, and the diversity of stems at a minimum of five tree species and eight shrubs species.
As stated by the McKenzie Watershed Council in 2002, their mission includes restoring, protecting, and reconnecting key upland and floodplain habitats. The plantings serve as both an extension of that mission, as well as an excellent tool to educate the public regarding the importance of maintaining natural ecosystems and biodiversity. The Goals of this project is to convert acres of floodway farm fields to a native riparian forest. It’ will become a buffer on Berggren that will enhance habitat for fish and wildlife and attract native pollinators to the area.