
Hello! Welcome to my Eportfolio.

My name is Stephan Splitstoser and I am a junior majoring in Business Administration at the University of Oregon. I am also a contracted cadet in the Army ROTC program at UO. My interests include marketing, operating promotional events, business law, and improving myself as a leader both as a student and a cadet. My career goals are to have a successful service in the active duty army and then bring the skills that I have learned from the army to a civilian career. I have a passion for working with people and I want to pursue a career on the corporate level. I have past work experience with Nike, so a job at Nike Headquarters sounds very appealing to me right now.

This Eportfolio will demonstrate how I have improved as a leader throughout this term. These improvements will be explained by my use, implementation, and development of:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Collaboration
  • Professional communication
  • Effective leadership models

These are all areas in which I planned on improving throughout this term. Some of these goals were achieved, some of them I am still attempting to achieve. I will go into depth on how my specific actions in each area improved myself as a leader.

After reading this page and all of the sub pages that go along with it, I encourage all readers to read my final blog post. It contains a lot of information addressing my development as a leader that compliments all of the subjects in the sub pages of my Eportfolio.


1 Comment so far

  1.   Tyler Durden on August 1st, 2024          Reply

    My name is Stephan Splitstoser and I am a junior majoring in Business Administration at the University of Oregon. All Rights Reserved 2024 Theme: Fairy by arabuloku

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