Professionalism Grade

For the BA352 course, I believe that I should receive 44/50 points for my overall professionalism grade. Here is the breakdown of this proposed score:

Punctuality: 8/10

I am marking myself down two points because I arrived to two group meetings no more than 10 minutes. These was because of an ROTC commitment that ran longer than expected (I let the group know beforehand) and the other instance I simply thought that it was at a different time of the day and it was not intentional. I understand that showing up promptly to meetings is very important to the success of the group and I sincerely apologized for my tardiness in those two situations. Other than that, I arrived on time for all other class and group requirements.

Participation: 10/10

I made sure to always participate in some way during class and especially during our group meetings. If the class was not answering, I tried very hard to come up with something to say in order to stimulate the class.

Respect for Others: 10/10

I always treated the professor, group members, and class members respectfully and professionally. Whenever I received feedback from students, the professor, or career services, I always wrote it down so I would not forget it and show that I am not simply brushing off feedback. If the group were to ever get side-barred during a meeting, I would respectfully address that fact and get everybody back on board.

Preparation: 7/10

I am marking myself down three points because I turned in all assignments on time with the exception of my final peer evaluations. I made sure to read any assigned articles and I came to group  meetings prepared with any tasks that I had to get done for our research project.

Initiative and Motivation:  9/10

I did not get to take advantage of Professor Bramhall’s office hours unfortunately because I had class that overlapped them. However, I did utilize the career services frequently (especially the website) and I reviewed the aspects of leadership development many time throughout the term. I always gave my 100% effort when it came to the research proposal and I went into every situation with a prospective attitude. For example, we conducted surveys with random students on campus and I was not comfortable with that initially, but I embraced it as an opportunity to develop myself.

2 Comments so far

  1.   Henry Hoyun on April 25th, 2023          Reply

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  2.   Johanna Jonas on April 29th, 2023          Reply

    tenlikle özür dilerim. Bunun dışında diğer tüm sınıf ve grup gereksinimleri için zamanında geldim. metin2 pvp serverler

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