Further improvements!

This past week has been really great for our group. We are now meeting multiple times per week in order to work on our research and this shows me that we are all putting our 100% effort into this project. Many members of the team, Chad especially, are very good at delegating tasks and making sure everything is getting done. After seeing this sort of leadership, I have found another thing that I need to improve! Overall I think I just need to be more vocal and possibly start getting more involved with the actual creation of our work, rather than simply getting a task and completing it.

Our team is doing a great job with collaboration and integrative thinking. The in-class prototype really helped us work out some kinks in our plan that we had not seen before. These changes shows that we are very adaptive and willing to change aspects of our plan quickly if we feel we need to.

We have been receiving some grades for our submitted work and we seem to be very confident with our abilities to submit quality work. I ensure to Encourage the Heart by celebrating with others whenever we get small wins such as getting a good grade on something. This helps morale and keeps things moving in a positive direction.

I thought I was doing a good job with empathy but I caught myself multiple times forgetting to be empathetic. A group member proposed an idea and in my head I immediately rejected it without even thinking out it or the thought process behind it.

Overall I think this class is really helping me think about how I conduct myself in a group environment and this will help in many ways in the future, in both a professional and personal sense!

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