Week 6: Proposals/Midterm Evaluations

This week we had our midterm peer evaluations. I received an overall grade of 100.40/100 which makes me very happy!
As of right now, this has been the most eye-opening exercise that we have done all term. It is very useful to see what others have observed of me because it is sometimes difficult to evaluate yourself.

A few of my initial strengths that are stated in these peer evaluations are that I have good presentation skills and that I contribute a lot of ideas to the group.

A few of my initial weaknesses are that I can sometimes become disengaged from the conversation of the group, that I can become a bit quiet at times.

With these peer evaluations, I will help others improve their presentation skills and I will make sure that I am participating in group discussion instead of falling silent. Helping others adheres to my goal of Enabling Others to Act because they will be more likely to volunteer for presentations. These peer evaluations also help with my goal of improving my empathy because I am understanding the thought processes and perceptions of the other group members.

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